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(1) Where are we?
(2) How did we get here?
(3) Where are we going?
(4) Is there an alternative?
1. Where are we?
We're in the age of the irrational hoax. The hoaxes of Climate Change, Transgenderism, DEI, CRT, COVID Vax, White Supremacy, etc., are not just false; they are also irrational and absurd, utterly lacking any hint of credibility. Moreover, every one of these hoaxes will lead to the destruction of our middle class.
Here's 9 absurdities characterizing the political reality of our time as being posited by the LEFT:
(1) Men should be allowed to compete in women's sports.
(2) Defunding police will decrease crime.
(3) Racial segregation is anti racist.
(4) Opposition to racial segregation is racist.
(5) Diversity is strength. (Includes the terrorist got-aways at our border).
(6) Free speech does not allow for hate speech (unless done by a leftist like Maxine Waters or James Carville etc.)
(7) You're not a human being until you're born (that is, if you're lucky enough to avoid a leftist abortion)
(8) Capitalism is evil.
(9) America is systemically racist
2. How did we get here?
Gramscian march through our institutions of government and society is complete because wokeism has infiltrated all of America's institutions, including the workplace, education, entertainment, law, the media, the military, and the entire Democrat administration.
3. Where are we going?
We are headed toward total annihilation as a nation.
4. Is there an alternative?
No, there is not. Forget it. Well....maybe not quite....
If the family were to rear up on its hind legs, unceremoniously yank its kids out of government school, and roar a challenge at once fearsome and desperate: "You want our children? Come and take them!" followed by the terrible snarl of Mamma Grizzly. "You know where we live...right behind those blades of grass!"
The confused masses might implement the Declaration's injunction to "institute a new sane Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Since its the political LEFTIES that are responsible for the continuing downfall of America the beautiful, my only hope and desire is that any and all registered voters turn out to vote the all pro American ticket by voting REPUBLICAN! MAGA BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!
(2) How did we get here?
(3) Where are we going?
(4) Is there an alternative?
1. Where are we?
We're in the age of the irrational hoax. The hoaxes of Climate Change, Transgenderism, DEI, CRT, COVID Vax, White Supremacy, etc., are not just false; they are also irrational and absurd, utterly lacking any hint of credibility. Moreover, every one of these hoaxes will lead to the destruction of our middle class.
Here's 9 absurdities characterizing the political reality of our time as being posited by the LEFT:
(1) Men should be allowed to compete in women's sports.
(2) Defunding police will decrease crime.
(3) Racial segregation is anti racist.
(4) Opposition to racial segregation is racist.
(5) Diversity is strength. (Includes the terrorist got-aways at our border).
(6) Free speech does not allow for hate speech (unless done by a leftist like Maxine Waters or James Carville etc.)
(7) You're not a human being until you're born (that is, if you're lucky enough to avoid a leftist abortion)
(8) Capitalism is evil.
(9) America is systemically racist
2. How did we get here?
Gramscian march through our institutions of government and society is complete because wokeism has infiltrated all of America's institutions, including the workplace, education, entertainment, law, the media, the military, and the entire Democrat administration.
3. Where are we going?
We are headed toward total annihilation as a nation.
4. Is there an alternative?
No, there is not. Forget it. Well....maybe not quite....
If the family were to rear up on its hind legs, unceremoniously yank its kids out of government school, and roar a challenge at once fearsome and desperate: "You want our children? Come and take them!" followed by the terrible snarl of Mamma Grizzly. "You know where we live...right behind those blades of grass!"
The confused masses might implement the Declaration's injunction to "institute a new sane Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Since its the political LEFTIES that are responsible for the continuing downfall of America the beautiful, my only hope and desire is that any and all registered voters turn out to vote the all pro American ticket by voting REPUBLICAN! MAGA BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!