Fourth Anniversary!


Will work for Scooby snacks
Four years ago today, our blustering, wanna-be cowboy president egged iraqi insurgents on to attack our troops"

"There are some who feel like that the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is, bring them on. -- George Bush, July 2, 2003
For some reason current and previous bush supporters don't like to be reminded of that asinine statement.
In my opinion, this will be seen as one of the most contextually asinine statements and American President has ever said. Goading the enemy in a time where guys are coming home without legs, eyes, hands and whatnot.

Bring it on? What a stupid man. What an arrogant stupid fool. Bring it on. I wonder if he had lost a kid, or an arm, leg or eye in this thing if he'd be such an obvious cocksucker that has no respect or understanding of the magnitude of the mess he's created for us over there.

He's beyond stupid. Beyond.
Poor things they can't help that their daddys a fool.

Yeah, I kind of agree with that, though I totally understand the sentiment of wanting to see them over there.

Personally, I'd rather see their Dad and his boss, Mr. 5 deferments I had other priorities, Cheney, over there.
Yeah, I kind of agree with that, though I totally understand the sentiment of wanting to see them over there.

Personally, I'd rather see their Dad and his boss, Mr. 5 deferments I had other priorities, Cheney, over there.

If they were enlisted and serving, I'm convinced that this war would have run differently - you know, if Bush had a personal stake in this war. And didn't simply think that military enlistees are his pawn in a big game.
If they were enlisted and serving, I'm convinced that this war would have run differently - you know, if Bush had a personal stake in this war. And didn't simply think that military enlistees are his pawn in a big game.
Ironically, that's the best argument for military conscription. Unfortunately -- or not, perhaps -- it doesn't hold much water at all. The sad fact is that the wealthy can always get their own children out of a draft, one way or another. This is not to say that all wealthy people do it, certainly, but that they all pretty much can.
We need a law that says if we go to war all eleigable age children of elected officials are the first to go.
If they were enlisted and serving, I'm convinced that this war would have run differently - you know, if Bush had a personal stake in this war. And didn't simply think that military enlistees are his pawn in a big game.

The Brits wouldn't even send Prince Harry into the combat zone. There's not a snowball's chance in hell that the twins would ever get within 2000 miles of iraq, even if they were in the army.

They'd probably be given office jobs in the Pentagon procurement office, procuring alcholic beverages for the soldiers.
"We need a law that says if we go to war all eleigable age children of elected officials are the first to go."

uh.. no... because then you are holding the kids accountable for the actions of their parents.

I understand your point though. That politicians would be far less likely to enter into a conflict if they knew it meant THEIR loved ones would be the ones on the frontlines. But still, as you probably know, it cannot be done.
"The Brits wouldn't even send Prince Harry into the combat zone"

Because they realized that it make him an instant target for kidnapping and put even more pressure on those around him. It was a good move to not allow him to go.
Lets be clear, I don't think it should be legislation or has a snowballs chance in hel* of happening, but I'd love it to. And I'd love to see Bush have a personal investment in this debacle/quagmire/failure.