Fox declares war on the "fringe" (but guess which fringe?)


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Today's blaring headline on the front of

"Many Dems Riding the Gravy Train"

Sounds like something Dano would write. Below that, John Gibson has a column titled "Democrats need to take a stand against leftist websites." Almost every night, O'Reilly attacks Moveon, DailyKos, et al., and dishonestly infers that the Democrat candidates are now taking their "marching orders" from such "hate mongers".

Where is the concern for the hate spewed by the fringe right? Rush Limbaugh has more listeners than any leftie, and was given credit for orchestrating the '94 election win for the GOP. Coulter, Savage, FreeRepublic, etc. Any rational person understands that there are extremists on both sides, and that the bases of both parties are closer to the fringe than the middle.

Let's give the right-wing haters some equal time there, Fox...
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this is all about intimidation. What Moveon wrote was really nothing, especially compared to some things right wingers have said. Here is something that Michael Savage said about General Clark:

“These international war criminals were led by Gen. Wesley Clark ... who clicked his shiny heels for the commander-in-grief, Bill Clinton."

what the right wing machine attempts to do is to so intimidate liberals, progressives and democrats (leftists are the one group this does not work on, however, they are also the smallest) that they are afraid to peep one word. Considering that the battle cry of the Democrats appears to be "Draft an Apology!" it works more often than not. And FOX is the leader on this.
Today's blaring headline on the front of

"Many Dems Riding the Gravy Train"

Sounds like something Dano would write. Below that, John Gibson has a column titled "Democrats need to take a stand against leftist websites." Almost every night, O'Reilly attacks Moveon, DailyKos, et al., and dishonestly infers that the Democrat candidates are now taking their "marching orders" from such "hate mongers".

Where is the concern for the hate spewed by the fringe right? Rush Limbaugh has more listeners than any leftie, and was given credit for orchestrating the '94 election win for the GOP. Coulter, Savage, FreeRepublic, etc. Any rational person understands that there are extremists on both sides, and that the bases of both parties are closer to the fringe than the middle.

Let's give the right-wing haters some equal time there, Fox...

But YOU need to deal with yours. Changing the topic to limbaugh will only work for the first 20 yrs or so.
But YOU need to deal with yours. Changing the topic to limbaugh will only work for the first 20 yrs or so.

Pointing out that Patraeus is taking his orders from Bush, down to mouthing the exact same platitudes, is not "hating".

It's cutting through the Bullshit.

Lives on the line here. You don't back down and say "yes sir' when lives are on the line. Ever.

And when FOX news or you or whoever cries about it and says they want an apology, you say "f you" stronger "apology" to come.
He says that they threaten to trash any candidate that doesn't say and do certain things. It is interesting how O'Reilly has suddenly become "Fox" though. I wonder if he gets the profit checks now.