Fox & Friends’ confesses Nancy Pelosi is ‘better’ at political ‘brawling’ than Trump


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Fox & Friends’ confesses Nancy Pelosi is ‘better’ at political ‘brawling’ than Trump

“Fox & Friends” co-host Brian Kilmeade on Wednesday found himself forced to admit that Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi seemed to get the better of President Donald Trump when the two sparred in a contentious White House meeting this week.

While showing video footage of Pelosi arguing with Trump on Tuesday, Kilmeade commented that Pelosi was very effective in sparring with the president and making sure the debate was held on her terms.

“She has the same brawling tactics that the president has, she just has a better way of doing it,” Kilmeade said. “She’s more passive aggressive. ‘Oh, if the president insists on this wall, it will be the Trump Shutdown.'”

Nonetheless, Kilmeade praised the entire spectacle of Trump fighting with Democratic leaders for being highly entertaining.

“If you’re an American citizen, you’re loving this,” he said. “I’d rather have this fight in front of us than behind closed doors!”
“Fox & Friends” co-host Brian Kilmeade on Wednesday found himself forced to admit that Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi seemed to get the better of President Donald Trump when the two sparred in a contentious White House meeting this week.

While showing video footage of Pelosi arguing with Trump on Tuesday, Kilmeade commented that Pelosi was very effective in sparring with the president and making sure the debate was held on her terms.

“She has the same brawling tactics that the president has, she just has a better way of doing it,” Kilmeade said. “She’s more passive aggressive. ‘Oh, if the president insists on this wall, it will be the Trump Shutdown.'”

Nonetheless, Kilmeade praised the entire spectacle of Trump fighting with Democratic leaders for being highly entertaining.

“If you’re an American citizen, you’re loving this,” he said. “I’d rather have this fight in front of us than behind closed doors!”

The orange turd has met his match
The orange turd has met his match

The abomination, Donald Trump, is now facing two people who know what governing is all about.

They will blow him out of the water at every turn.

My guess is that his sycophants in congress will see the writing on the wall...and start abandoning him in subtle ways very soon.
The only people dumber than Brian Kilmeade are those who think he's a political commentator of note.

You and your kind are more than willing to attack anyone, even loyal Trump defenders, should they happen to say a single word that disparages the Liar in Chief.
You and your kind are more than willing to attack anyone, even loyal Trump defenders, should they happen to say a single word that disparages the Liar in Chief.

Or perhaps I just don't respect Fox and Friends as a legitimate or intelligent source of political insight?
Quote Originally Posted by Guille View Post

Or perhaps I just don't respect Fox and Friends as a legitimate or intelligent source of political insight?

Good God, does anyone?
Quote Originally Posted by Guille View Post

Or perhaps I just don't respect Fox and Friends as a legitimate or intelligent source of political insight?

Good God, does anyone?

No, at least no one I know. It's a morning show full of fluff and Kilmeade is a total retard.