Fox News' "Daily Show" Rip-off...


Will work for Scooby snacks
I just saw Fox News' attempt to rip off the "Daily Show", with their "Half Hour News Hour" show.

Totally lame and not funny.

You know what? I'm 99% sure they're using a laugh track, even though they purport to have a studio audience. I saw enough "Brady Bunch" and "Hogan's Hero's" as a kid, to know what a laugh track sounds like.
Oh I have to see it once, just so I can laugh at how not funny it is. I've heard about it.

Don't conservatives understand that they are not funny?
Oh I have to see it once, just so I can laugh at how not funny it is. I've heard about it.

Don't conservatives understand that they are not funny?

One of their jokes was (paraphrased):

"Democrats are concerned about the Gitmo detention camp --

Nancy Pelosi is worried about being in handcuffs..."

Totally not funny. But, the laugh track informed me that I was supposed to find it hilarious.
I have seen others try to copy Olberman with little segments on silly news and people who have fucked up and the like.

When will they learn its only funny when it contains truth.
I watched the first one, it was funny enough... I haven't seen any since though. I don't have time to watch that crap.
One of their jokes was (paraphrased):

"Democrats are concerned about the Gitmo detention camp --

Nancy Pelosi is worried about being in handcuffs..."

Totally not funny. But, the laugh track informed me that I was supposed to find it hilarious.

Wow, that is lame.
I watched the first one, it was funny enough... I haven't seen any since though. I don't have time to watch that crap.

Damo, to tell you the truth, "funny" isn't the first word I think of when I think of you.

You have many attributes though, which makes you unusual for a republican to begin with. I guess, "funny" would have been pushing it you know? So don't feel bad.
One of their jokes was (paraphrased):

"Democrats are concerned about the Gitmo detention camp --

Nancy Pelosi is worried about being in handcuffs..."

Totally not funny. But, the laugh track informed me that I was supposed to find it hilarious.

See they just dont get the idea there has to be facts involved to make it funny.

Nanci is not in trouble in any way,they just dont like her.

It just highlights how they would like to encarcerate fellow Americans in a torture prison for using freedom of speach.
Damo, to tell you the truth, "funny" isn't the first word I think of when I think of you.

You have many attributes though, which makes you unusual for a republican to begin with. I guess, "funny" would have been pushing it you know? So don't feel bad.
I think I laughed 1% of the times the laugh track did.

I agree with you, sounds precanned. Political conservatism and audience bias aside, I have yet to meet to roomful of people that will burst out laughing after a joke about how abortion is murder and gays have no rights.