Fox News host Laura Ingraham makes wild claims of ‘pup kink’ in military

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Another crazed weirdo pushing wackadoodle crap on faux news

Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham on Monday accused two members of the US military of engaging in animal-themed sexual kink activity while in uniform, based off claims she acknowledged were unverified and came from a seemingly random Twitter thread.

During the segment, the conservative opinion commentator repeated, essentially verbatim, allegations that two male service members engaged in dog-themed kink activity, including wearing dog masks inside a military facility in Hawaii.

The right-wing host called the conduct “disturbing” and accused the service members of “disgracing the uniform.”

“At least we have our military leadership to stand up as examples of good and ethical behavior, right? Well that’s wrong,” she said.
This is how she addressed the RNC at the podium! SHe got a standing ovation! Well, Enough said! NEXT! :laugh:


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Unreal, yet not unexpected or surprising. The quality of Fox New's yellow sheet journalism has dropped to staggering depths...even for them.

Now if Ingraham would have gotten her panties in a twist over the DOCUMENTATION of sexual harassment, abuse and rape of female members of the military, she might have been forgiven for this latest "I heard someone say they heard it from a friend that..." BS.
The first step in declaring her wrong is to establish reality, what actually happened, which you have not done.

Actually, the first thing they teach you in journalism courses in college is that you print or broadcast NOTHING unless you can provide ample corroborating evidence to back up an unnamed source quote. It's not up to the reading/listening audience to do that job.

Ingraham didn't even meet that standard.
The first step in declaring her wrong is to establish reality, what actually happened, which you have not done.
Like your false claim about all generators being banned in California? :rofl2:

FWIW, I'm guessing Laura uses electric Ben Wa Balls during every broadcast...but will wait for pictorial evidence to be sure. :thup:
The first step in declaring her wrong is to establish reality, what actually happened, which you have not done.

It’s the same Tucker does… That and selling fear about the certain imminent end of all Democracy.
The first step in declaring her wrong is to establish reality, what actually happened, which you have not done.

The first step in news is verifying your story before you put it on national tv. That is where it begins. It is not the function of the viewer to verify stories. We do not have the power of a news station to find the truth. You can be sure she did nothing about that.