“ Fox News may have kept millions from taking the coronavirus threat seriously”


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“ Three serious research efforts have put numerical weight — yes, data-driven evidence — behind what many suspected all along: Americans who relied on Fox News, or similar right-wing sources, were duped as the coronavirus began its deadly spread.”

“The studies “paint a picture of a media ecosystem that amplifies misinformation, entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking concrete steps to protect themselves and others”
“Those who relied on mainstream sources — the network evening newscasts or national newspapers that President Trump constantly blasts as “fake news” — got an accurate assessment of the pandemic’s risks. Those were the news consumers who were more likely to respond accordingly, protecting themselves and others against the disease that has now killed more than 123,000 in the United States with no end in sight.”

“Those who relied on Fox or, say, radio personality Rush Limbaugh, came to believe that vitamin C was a possible remedy, that the Chinese government created the virus in a lab, and that government health agencies were exaggerating the dangers in the hopes of damaging Trump politically”

“Beyond the risks the general public faces from consuming this nonsense and misinformation, there’s the fact that the president himself has been picking up these same ideas and using them to steer policy. Instead of tapping experts in the medical and scientific community — many of whom are on the government payroll — he has chosen to educate himself by watching right-wing news outlets.“

“The upshot was clear: For too long, many devotees of most right-wing news decided they didn’t need to stay home. Others absorbed the idea that wearing a protective mask was an act of left-leaning partisanship. And so, it’s tragic — but again not all that surprising — to see the virus spiking now in red states where governors and other public officials joined Trump and his favorite news outlets early on in downplaying the dangers.“


And it continues, the right wing media employing any deflection off the spread of the virus they can muster, currently it is portraying protests as armageddon with Trump as the “law and order” solution, there is a reason once Trump was elected they dropped the “fair and balanced” charade
Fox News, the president, the Senate etc.

republicans OWN the 130,000 deaths, and the unemployment that has come with it.
Fox is not news. It finds ways to protect Trump and help him in November. They did not intend to be news. Listening is one thing, acting on what they say is another. They will, just like Trump, risk people's lives to help daffy in November.
So, an op ed in the WaPo is now somehow a completely factual column even though it has no solid evidence to back the writer up.
Fox is not news. Fox is "entertainment". If you are stupid enough to get vfc your entertainment from Fox or Rush the "druggie", then so be it.
So, an op ed in the WaPo is now somehow a completely factual column even though it has no solid evidence to back the writer up.

You are permitted to evaluate op-eds, all by yourself,. You can apply your own experiences, own education, and own beliefs in that evaluation. OP=eds are opinions of the author also based on their education and experiences. Nobody should think op-eds are scientific articles. It is incumbent upon you to decide if it has value.