FOX News Poll: Democrats Preferred on Most Issues


Villified User
10/26/06 FOX News Poll: Democrats Preferred on Most Issues

Thursday, October 26, 2006

By Dana Blanton

NEW YORK — Less than two weeks before Election Day, Democrats hold a double-digit lead over Republicans among likely voters in the Congressional election — not surprising, as Democrats are seen as the party that can do a better job on almost all of the top issues facing the country today, according to a new FOX News poll. Republicans still have the advantage on one of their traditional strengths — handling the issue of terrorism, although even that lead has tightened.

President George W. Bush’s job rating is essentially unchanged this week: 40 percent of voters say they approve of the job Bush is doing and 53 percent disapprove. And the vote for Congress looks similar to those numbers — in reverse.

Today Democrats have an 11-percentage point advantage in the Congressional election (49-38 percent), up from a 9-point edge over Republicans two weeks ago.

Almost all Democrats would vote for their party’s candidate (92 percent), and most Republicans would vote Republican (85 percent). Independents are more likely to back the Democrat in their district by 14 points (43 percent to 29 percent).

About one in 10 voters who backed President Bush in the 2004 election (11 percent) say they will support the Democratic candidate in their district — by comparison, 6 percent of those who voted for Kerry say they will vote for the Republican.

That's probably why they are still waiting for the promise to be fulfilled!

In fairness though I think he was shot before he could ante up!
Hmm yeah getting shot could have had someting to do with it.....
Mules would have worked, but where was he planning on coming up with the 40 acres ?
Hmm yeah getting shot could have had someting to do with it.....
Mules would have worked, but where was he planning on coming up with the 40 acres ?

It was actually supposed to be one of the first land re-distribution programs based on land taken from the Confederacy during the war.
Ohhh to the victor go the spoils.....even if it is all one country and that is what the war is about....
That was one point I had never researched.