FOX News reports: Obama is plotting a UN invasion of America

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Lubbock County Judge Tom Head said he and the county must be prepared for many contingencies, one that he particularly fears, is if President Obama is reelected.

"He's going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the U.N., and what is going to happen when that happens?," Head asked.

"I'm thinking the worst. Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe. And we're not just talking a few riots here and demonstrations, we're talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms and get rid of the guy.

"Now what's going to happen if we do that, if the public decides to do that? He's going to send in U.N. troops. I don't want 'em in Lubbock County. OK. So I'm going to stand in front of their armored personnel carrier and say 'you're not coming in here'.

"And the sheriff, I've already asked him, I said 'you gonna back me' he said, 'yeah, I'll back you'. Well, I don't want a bunch of rookies back there. I want trained, equipped, seasoned veteran officers to back me."


At Wednesday's County Commissioner Meeting Head said, "my remarks yesterday, worst case scenario in my opinion, and how do you prepare for it," he said. "Do I think those are going to happen, probably not."

Here's another wing-nut that has to recant his statements and beliefs the day after he speaks his mind. Is he out of touch or is his fear mongering just more hate speech propaganda? IMO it's propaganda because no one is that stupid... except Faux 'news' viewers and a few posters here.

This is nothing new, remember Cheney saying the U.S. would be attacked if Obama won the 2008 election?

It all boils down to 'there's a black man in the white house' be afraid, be very afraid.

Fucking idiots.
I agree that the lies don't justify the truth. The UN is NOT an organization ANY country calls upon for military because each nation HAS it's military it give to the UN to control. That's what's going on now in Afghanistan. Military forces with UN leaders. It's what Bush agreed on.

Long ago, in order to give the US the right to invade a nation with out UN approval, the FOX people began an anti-UN campaign. Every once in a while, they bring out the lies and begin the fear mongering all over again.
I'll bet you'll be in the front lines when the UN does an amphibious assault on Lubbock.
no, they can have lubbock. maybe amarillo as well. I will be happy to shoot blue helmeted fucksticks if they come near DFW though. and I called you a fucking idiot because of your bullshit 'black man in the white house' crap.
no, they can have lubbock. maybe amarillo as well. I will be happy to shoot blue helmeted fucksticks if they come near DFW though. and I called you a fucking idiot because of your bullshit 'black man in the white house' crap.

So which of these posts of yours is a lie?

some of the BS talk in here about 'real men' is almost laughable, if it wasn't so pitiful too many idiots like to label others for actions that they don't personally like, especially with guns. All I need to say is 'fuck you'. I'm decently capable of handling myself in a physical altercation, if necessary, but I have a wife with a very serious heart condition. If something happens to me, she is screwed in all ways imaginable. So say whatever childish bullshit you want to, but i'm going home at the end of the day, with the full capability of being able to take care of the wife. THAT makes me a man, not some bullshit fighting ability.
You mean, to be completely accurate, FOX News reports that some guy says that he fears Obama will allow International law to supersede US law.
You mean, to be completely accurate, FOX News reports that some guy says that he fears Obama will allow International law to supersede US law.

Do you think armed rightwingers will rise in rebellion if Romney loses?
I'll bet you'll be in the front lines when the UN does an amphibious assault on Lubbock.

actually, I suspect the UN might be stupid enough to think an amphibious assault would be a good method to attack someplace hundreds of miles from water......its why we don't want liberals in charge of the military.......
actually, I suspect the UN might be stupid enough to think an amphibious assault would be a good method to attack someplace hundreds of miles from water......its why we don't want liberals in charge of the military.......

took you a while but you finally got it. You win the geography ribbon.