FP vs. JPP Fantasy Football- Game 2

Greetings again from Cyber Stadium, it's a great day for Fantasy Football! Today's matchup, between the 1-0 Just Plain Grinds and the 0-1 Full Politics Sirs, is about to get underway.... Winless thusfar in the pre-season and regular season, the FP crew will be looking for respect, as the Just Plain Grinds have thusfar dominated the series in every respect.

The kickoff is underway, and we will report the action as the day progresses.

Stay tuned......
In an amazingly unprecedented first quarter, both teams were unable to penetrate the goal line. In an epic defensive battle, three safeties represent the only scoring thus-far.

Full Politics......2
Just Plain........4

1st Qtr.
What are you talking about? there's been more people and more posts on FP in the last hour than here.

And who cares anyway?
I am quite sure that everyone can figure out that these are arbitrary fictional numbers created by Dixie for the express purpose of feeding his egotistical desire for attention.

who gives a fuck?
What are you talking about? there's been more people and more posts on FP in the last hour than here.

And who cares anyway?

Uhm, the scoring isn't based on how many posts or people Cypress thinks are on each site. I randomly select a time to check how many users are on each site, and that represents the score for a quarter. And as for your second question, apparently you cared enough to respond, so that makes at least two of us who care, which ironically, is how many people cared about the entire FP board in the first quarter.

btw... thanks for your contribution to JPP's points in the first! :tongout:
Uhm, the scoring isn't based on how many posts or people Cypress thinks are on each site. I randomly select a time to check how many users are on each site, and that represents the score for a quarter. And as for your second question, apparently you cared enough to respond, so that makes at least two of us who care, which ironically, is how many people cared about the entire FP board in the first quarter.

btw... thanks for your contribution to JPP's points in the first! :tongout:


Oh, you "randomly" select a "time" to count how many are on each board.

this is childish dude. But, carry on with your jihad to "prove" FP is a graveyard if you must.

Oh, you "randomly" select a "time" to count how many are on each board.

this is childish dude. But, carry on with your jihad to "prove" FP is a graveyard if you must.

Childish? Perhaps... but then, isn't ALL Fantasy Football a little "childish" in a sense? Yes, I randomly select a time to check each site's main board, where you can see how many users are online. Feel free to check my stats as soon as I post them if you like, I am not cheating, have no reason to cheat, just doing it for the fun of it.... as childish as that might seem.

Incidentally, you are not required to participate or acknowledge the game in any way, unless of course, SR made a rule for you over there and I'm not aware of it.
Childish? Perhaps... but then, isn't ALL Fantasy Football a little "childish" in a sense? Yes, I randomly select a time to check each site's main board, where you can see how many users are online. Feel free to check my stats as soon as I post them if you like, I am not cheating, have no reason to cheat, just doing it for the fun of it.... as childish as that might seem.

Incidentally, you are not required to participate or acknowledge the game in any way, unless of course, SR made a rule for you over there and I'm not aware of it.

Of course you have a reason to cheat.... you want to prove that the site you nearly single handedly ruined on two separate occasions with immature hissy fits is lost without you.....

post any fucking two numbers you want.... it's all arbitrary bullshit made to look objective.... why do you think anyone really gives a shit? Do you have ANY idea how fucking pathetic you look?
In spite of an outbreak of heckling from the FP fanbase, and inceasant accusations of cheating on part of the officials, the game was hard fought in the second quarter. FP added two more safeties and JPP added a field goal.

Full Politics......2....3... 5
Just Plain........4....4... 8

With a vigorous 3rd qtr., the FP gang managed to erase the lead and tie the game! This promises to be a great finish... stay tuned for the final score!

Full Politics......2....3....7 12
Just Plain........4....4....4 12

3rd Qtr.
Of course you have a reason to cheat.... you want to prove that the site you nearly single handedly ruined on two separate occasions with immature hissy fits is lost without you.....

post any fucking two numbers you want.... it's all arbitrary bullshit made to look objective.... why do you think anyone really gives a shit? Do you have ANY idea how fucking pathetic you look?

I guess we all can clearly see the answer to that LAST question.
In a last minute flurry, the mouths of FP out-mouthed the JPP gang, to pull of a late-game upset. Needless to say, the officials are not happy that they weren't able to arbitrarilly cheat and give the game to JPP.


Full Politics......2....3....7....5 17
Just Plain........4....4....4....4 16

I wonder why Dixie hasn't done another one of these assinine contests recently? Could it be that FP.com continues to be a place of vibrant debate while JPP.com goes hours on end with NO ONE here?

right this minute, for example.....

FP.com 9
JPP.com 1 (me) plus two google spiders
I wonder why Dixie hasn't done another one of these assinine contests recently? Could it be that FP.com continues to be a place of vibrant debate while JPP.com goes hours on end with NO ONE here?

right this minute, for example.....

FP.com 9
JPP.com 1 (me) plus two google spiders

Why do you care?
why do you care why I care? or even IF I care?

Because I'm curious as to what your concern is. Its obvious that you care, I'm just curious as to why. I'm curious becaus there's obviously an intelligence in you, yet you put forth effort on shit like this. It makes me curious.
the patriots were kicking ass in a not very exciting football game and I was bored and on my way to bed...and I do so love to rub Dixie's nose in his own stupidity.... I guess that about sums it up.
I wonder why Dixie hasn't done another one of these assinine contests recently? Could it be that FP.com continues to be a place of vibrant debate while JPP.com goes hours on end with NO ONE here?

right this minute, for example.....

FP.com 9
JPP.com 1 (me) plus two google spiders
And I've seen an equal disparity in the other direction, maineman. Both sites are doing well and I believe are enjoyed by all. Which is exactly as it should be. I never intended this site to take away from SR's.