Frank Close talks about nothing


'Seinfeld' presumes to be a show about 'nothing' in which the characters try to sell a show about 'nothing' to the broadcast executives. In reality the show is about everything, as they cover almost every topic imaginable, usually with irony and amusing caricature. And just like Seinfeld's attempt at nothing any examination of the universe reveals something. Nothing, like so many abstract terms has no concrete meaning outside of our use of it. But we humans who live, have a different sense of nothing as a moment before an act of passion we were not and a moment after consciousness leaves we are not. Life is so interesting and yet temporary. So with those positive thoughts on this day when someone stole an hour from my life I close. ;)

[ame=""]YouTube - Frank Close talks about nothing[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - Why there is something rather than nothing...[/ame]

"Imagine for a moment your parents had been interrupted. Suppose someone had shone a flashlight in the backseat of the car you were conceived in, you would not exist. A knock at a door. Some interruption. If only a few seconds passed a different sperm would have meant a different person and you as you exist now would never have been."
Loved it midcam thanks.

I really wish that man would just begin persuing a peace based meaning for exsistance.

Its becoming very apparent that the religions will continue to spew hate on each other making human exsistance a misery for all who inhabit our planet. How I wish we could stop killing each other for a handfull of myths.
Nothing is like 1/3... not possible.

Ohh that guy agrees with me. Smart guy.
I posted the first line before viewing the clip.
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