Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in Health Services

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
Here's a good article on how to save money on Medicare and Medicaid by combating rampant fraud, waste, and abuse within the public health services.

Kevin D. Williamson said:
Medicare and Medicaid together account for about $1 trillion in federal spending annually, and estimates suggest that $1 out of ever $10 of that spending is fraud. Some estimates go much higher. We do not have a very good idea of exactly how extensive fraud in the system is, because the federal government has put a fair amount of effort into not knowing. According to Malcolm Sparrow, a Harvard professor of public management who studies medical fraud, the government’s approach long has been backward: “Basically, the audits they’re using on a random sample are nothing like fraud audits,” he told The Nation. “The difference between a fraud audit and a medical review audit — a medical review audit, you’re taking all the information as if it’s true and testing whether the medical judgment seems appropriate. You can use these techniques to see where judgments are unorthodox or payment rules have not been followed, but almost nothing in these methods tests whether the information you have is true.”

Which is to say, investigators are asking whether a certain treatment was in fact appropriate for what ails Mrs. Jones, not whether Mrs. Jones exists.
The government has ZERO incentive to be efficient with other people's money. It is ludicrous fir anyone to believe that they would.

The easiest solution is rip out those programs root and branch.

Cue the lefty wail "PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!"

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We need a watch dog agency dedicated to overseeing Medicare and providing in plain ole English explanations about any proposed changes that would effect the financial stability of the desperately needed program. Congress in its wisdom can't think beyond the next election. I for one am sick of the games and smoke and mirrors employed by both sides. Draining the so called swamp has result in billionaires now in positions to eviscerate programs that are necessary to the health and well-being of a significant number of people.
It's not just the fraud. There us massive waste that us completely legal. The payment system is written by big health so they feather their nest well.
The government has ZERO incentive to be efficient with other people's money. It is ludicrous fir anyone to believe that they would.

The easiest solution is rip out those programs root and branch.

Cue the lefty wail "PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!"

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So now your recommending to "rip out" Medicare because a number of providers are abusing the system? That would sell well