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Here is video of people dropping multiple ballots in AZ. Maricopa drop boxes. These people can be identified and this should be investigated. Think it is going to happen.

Twitter now will show videos like this. Notice no warning about the content. The election has to be redone. No court can rule any differently. The fair and equal clause in our Constitution was violated and that will be very easy to prove.
Here is video of people dropping multiple ballots in AZ. Maricopa drop boxes. These people can be identified and this should be investigated. Think it is going to happen.

Twitter now will show videos like this. Notice no warning about the content. The election has to be redone. No court can rule any differently. The fair and equal clause in our Constitution was violated and that will be very easy to prove.

this will be investigated.

the dem stranglehold is over.
Here comes Kari Lakes legal team!!!!!

What a left wing cesspool we have here. All you turds cannot change the fair and equal clause. That was clearly violated. Whether it was done on purpose does not matter. It happened and will be proven quite easily.
There will be another election so the votes Hobbs received do not mean shit. Much like you.

Your video is nothing but a wing nut MAGA shithead spewing propaganda. There was no fraud. You're hanging your hopes on another My Pillow guy's horseshit.

Sucks to be you.
Your video is nothing but a wing nut MAGA shithead spewing propaganda. There was no fraud. You're hanging your hopes on another My Pillow guy's horseshit.

Sucks to be you.

You do not see multiple ballots being dropped? What is the matter with your eyes? You trolls are wasting your time. Wait for the redo.
This idiot is so fucking stupid he actually thinks there will be a redo. But, I'm thankful for the galactically stupid like coldjoint. They are leaving the GOP in ruins. So good on that.

You do not think it will be challenged? The machines themselves prove what happened. There is no way it will stand. Again, you lose.

Arizona's numbers don't add up

Now let’s consider what happened in the congressional races. Arizona, which has nine congressional districts, only had seven races, as Democrats did not run candidates in two of the seven districts. Looking at the numbers we have:

Total votes in nine districts for Republicans: 1,369,000, which averages to 152,000 per district.

Total votes in seven districts for Democrats: 938,000, which averages to 134,000 per district.