Freaky magic trick

of course it's staged, but how is it done? That's just awesome. The girl walks too normal to be a midget and amputee and the legs are too long. It's just a cool ass trick. I know there has to be an explanation, but it's just too cool. I wonderr if it's all camerawork or something. I'm going to watch it again.
yes of course it is staged, but the audience had to be part of it....part of the acting with the shock and screaming and interviews with them, because the rest could then have been done by camera.....

I found myself laughing the second time around watching it, knowing that if I were one of those people in the audience and a magic trick like that was really done right before my eyes, ......let's just say people in Alaska would have heard me scream..... hahahahaha....

geez, how did he do it? it has to be film tricks and the audience had to be a part of it, just had to be!
First of all, if someone were pulled apart like that, I doubt they'd just run in some random direction. The crowd would probably think the magician had just killed her.
oh my gosh! There is just no way that could be staged, without having the entire audience as part of the act? weird!
Wow, the entire audience of 10 people?!! No way!!

Of course that was what was done.

Shoot when Dude did the show where he made the statue of Liberty disappear there were hundreds there in on the "staging".