Freaky quiet today...

I think the Pinheads have started to realize how ridiculous it is to continue the strategy of trashing and bashing Bush, now that they are in control. All the whining, moaning, groaning, and faux outrage, seems to ring a little flat now. It's amazing how much of a difference it makes on the board!
I think the Pinheads have started to realize how ridiculous it is to continue the strategy of trashing and bashing Bush, now that they are in control. All the whining, moaning, groaning, and faux outrage, seems to ring a little flat now. It's amazing how much of a difference it makes on the board!


We have jobs. Someone has to work to support welfare queens like toby and to pay for this war that your pResident started.
Excuse me hot shot...


We have jobs. Someone has to work to support welfare queens like toby and to pay for this war that your pResident started.

why did you bring someone in who is not here to defend themselves from your childish name calling?
why did you bring someone in who is not here to defend themselves from your childish name calling?

Clearly, because I wanted to.

No comment on dixie's "Pinhead" comment I see. I'll just chalk that one up to partisan blinders.
Clearly, because I wanted to.

No comment on dixie's "Pinhead" comment I see. I'll just chalk that one up to partisan blinders.

Why would he comment on my statement of fact. There was nothing 'partisan' about it, I think it's common sense. Take a look at the board... How many threads do you see bashing Bush and railing on and on about the injustices of the Bush regime? Oh, there are still a few, they quickly get shot down because they now have no validity. Democrats control Congress, and can't hide behind the 'powerless victim' status they had before. It's just hard to sit and criticize what is wrong, when you've been put in charge of fixing what's wrong.

We will watch the pinheads morph over the next few months. I am glad the Bush-hate era is almost done, maybe we can actually debate issues again, and work toward a bipartisan solution to our problems. I think we will begin to see Liberals pontificating on why their ideology is superior and America should drink the irresistible koolaid of Socialism, rather than wasting their time on the dead issue of a lame duck president's policies. You just haven't transformed into 'liberal mode' yet, it's coming!
Dems just don't tend to hang around as long rubbing the opponents noses in it as long Cons do.
this from the guy who thinks that the ottoman empire brought islam to egypt? and that smilies are intelligent replies?

we can add you to the pile that comes out of the tail end of the dog.
Oh my...

this from the guy who thinks that the ottoman empire brought islam to egypt? and that smilies are intelligent replies?

we can add you to the pile that comes out of the tail end of the dog.

another Barney Franks is your buddy Barney?...still pooping outta his arse?
Why would he comment on my statement of fact. There was nothing 'partisan' about it, I think it's common sense. Take a look at the board... How many threads do you see bashing Bush and railing on and on about the injustices of the Bush regime? Oh, there are still a few, they quickly get shot down because they now have no validity. Democrats control Congress, and can't hide behind the 'powerless victim' status they had before. It's just hard to sit and criticize what is wrong, when you've been put in charge of fixing what's wrong.

We will watch the pinheads morph over the next few months. I am glad the Bush-hate era is almost done, maybe we can actually debate issues again, and work toward a bipartisan solution to our problems. I think we will begin to see Liberals pontificating on why their ideology is superior and America should drink the irresistible koolaid of Socialism, rather than wasting their time on the dead issue of a lame duck president's policies. You just haven't transformed into 'liberal mode' yet, it's coming!

Actually, I was commenting on the fact that you refer to liberals as "pinheads". Quite frankly, I don't really care about it. I only pointed it out because someone got his p@nties in a bunch. I'm not that sensitive.

Actually, I was commenting on the fact that you refer to liberals as "pinheads". Quite frankly, I don't really care about it. I only pointed it out because someone got his p@nties in a bunch. I'm not that sensitive.

I don't wear "p@nties" is this formal dress for libs? and ya commented before I did!:pke:
Actually, I was commenting on the fact that you refer to liberals as "pinheads".

Well I can't help it that Liberals are Pinheads. There are a lot of Pinheads who aren't Liberal, and I suppose a person could be really stupidly Liberal and not be a Pinhead, I have just never come across one. There are some Democrats who aren't Liberal, and thus, not Pinheads... if that gives you any consolation.
Actually, I was commenting on the fact that you refer to liberals as "pinheads".

Well I can't help it that Liberals are Pinheads. There are a lot of Pinheads who aren't Liberal, and I suppose a person could be really stupidly Liberal and not be a Pinhead, I have just never come across one. There are some Democrats who aren't Liberal, and thus, not Pinheads... if that gives you any consolation.

........waiting on board mother to come to rescue of liberals that aren't here and are being called names. :cig: