Free holdem site


Good for learning the game or just having fun. The competition lasts the entire month and then resets on the first of each month to begin anew.

See you there
My screen name is holdme.
(Link Removed)
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And Damo, I have nothing to do with the site. Just thought it might be fun to play against some of you all.

Have fun arguing pointless crap
And Damo, I have nothing to do with the site. Just thought it might be fun to play against some of you all.

Have fun arguing pointless crap
Then ask, man... Just ask.

People will PM you if they are interested.
there must be some way you can bury it so it doesn't distract from the important subjects being discussed here?

I'm so sorry
I think it was more the surprise. Seriously, had it been a 'bot that is exactly what it would have been. Give it a post. I won't stop it this time. If people are interested they'll be interested.