Free Speech For The Win. Another Thread Ban Free


Black Kitty Ain't Happy
You are free to discuss this. So much winning.

Before the politically-motivated pandemic panic: Rights are essential; they are inalienable.

After the politically-motivated pandemic panic: Rights can be repressed. Government decides when rights can be reinstated.

Before the politically-motivated pandemic panic: Science is a process; disagreement is to be expected as scientists analyze data, refining results, and moving closer to understanding

After the politically-motivated pandemic panic: Science is decreed by bureaucratic fiat and must not be questioned. "Following The Science" means blind compliance. Dissenting scientific research must be suppressed.

Before the politically-motivated pandemic panic: Governments should work within the existing framework of our Constitution and existing laws.

After the politically-motivated pandemic panic: Emergency powers must be seized and expanded upon regardless of legality. Officials can bypass laws by decree and subvert the balance of Constitutional powers by judicial fiat.

Before the politically-motivated pandemic panic: Classroom education is vital to society.

After the politically-motivated pandemic panic: Remote learning is the only way society can survive.

Before the politically-motivated pandemic panic: Quarantine protects society by isolating the sick.

After the politically-motivated pandemic panic: Everyone must be quarantined to protect people who aren't sick.

Before the politically-motivated pandemic panic: "My body, my choice". Government officials have no say in personal decisions about health.

After the politically-motivated pandemic panic: Government officials should decree universal mask mandates and require vaccination.
