Free Speech versus PC Speech


"I Bring You Life!"
PC Politically Correct speech is a Nazi, Communist, Totalitarian, 1984, Brave New World, Fascist, Bullying, Hate-Filled way of crushing others less powerful than you.

It particularly oppresses minorities by denying them the basic rights of humanity, namely the right to speak their mind. Only Nazi-minded persons, and Nazi leaning Institutions could even conceive of enforcing such a violation of Human Rights on weaker people.

Jews were killed by Nazis, and other Germans were forced to kill them, by a regime built on the tactic of stifling Free Speech. How dare so-called Universities that are supposed to be bastions of Free Speech, take on the method and tactics of Nazi Germany in the name of helping minorities.

Minorities have been the major victims of regimens of Politically Correct Speech, and it was the very foundation of slavery. One of the first freedoms a slave had to give up was his right to speak his mind.

It boggles the mind to think that the entire Democrat Party and some Republicans, have embraced this Nazi idea that has been used for thousands of years to suppress people, including most especially women throughout history. For the REAL TRUTH Google "FounderChurch Portal"
Shame on Megyn Kelly, for trying to stifle Trumps Free Speech. Her Free Speech stops where she is using it to try to curtail someone else's Free Speech.