Free state project

Grind is back! I'm sure if I watched the video it would answer my question but hasn't this 'movement' been around for awhile? Has it actually gone anywhere?
20,000 pledged, 5k there. And the cool thing is they have like 40 members in NH legislature because the NH legislature is huge. They vote as a block and they are having an affect on legislation

I’m legit moving to new Hampshire soonish

It’s time freedom lovers check out and join me.
See you there

Despite having some nice scenic areas and a tiny but vibrant coastline,
New Hampshire, the Live Free or Die State, is politically the anus of New England.

We had a summer home there for decades. Thankfully, the coastal area was virtually 100% Massachusetts seasonal people.
The union-labor built nuclear power plant almost totally civilized its immediate environs.

It's not red or purple, but it's a very, very light shade of sky blue, thanks to its Massachusetts and Vermont border towns.
It's native old Yankees may as well be from Mississippi, but their better educated kids aren't following suit.

Traveling up the coast, you know immediately that you're in New Hampshire.
Discount beer and cigarettes.
Fireworks shops.
Tatoo and piercing parlors.
Peep shows.
Locals who look like extras from the Star Wars Cantina scene.

But really good lobsters and clams, too--if you're into that.
And nice golf courses near Portsmouth.

It's a mixed bag, both socially and politically.
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Despite having some nice scenic areas and a tiny but vibrant coastline,
New Hampshire, the Live Free or Die State, is politically the anus of New England.

We had a summer home there for decades. Thankfully, the coastal area was virtually 100% Massachusetts seasonal people.
The union-labor built nuclear power plant almost totally civilized its immediate environs.

It's not red or purple, but it's a very, very light shade of sky blue, thanks to its Massachusetts and Vermont border towns.
It's native old Yankees may as well be from Mississippi, but their better educated kids aren't following suit.

Traveling up the coast, you know immediately that you're in New Hampshire.
Discount beer and cigarettes.
Fireworks shops.
Tatoo and piercing parlors.
Peep shows.
Locals who look like extras from the Star Wars Cantina scene.

But really good lobsters and clams, too--if you're into that.
And nice golf courses near Portsmouth.

It's a mixed bag, both socially and politically.

Yeah. But if Grind moves there, do you really want to go there?
Yeah. But if Grind moves there, do you really want to go there?

I haven't smoked since early '94.
No need to go up there for the cheaper cigarettes (which aren't very cheap anymore anyway.)

We'd run up there during college days because cigs were $2.40 a carton--just over a penny each!

I was boxing then and not supposed to smoke at all, but I'd still sneak in three of four a day. Maybe even five depending on evening plans.
That grew to 30 or more when I got home from the service. Stupid fucking addiction, but the Ratpack did it so....

Rockingham Park, just over the Mass border on Rt. 93, gave us a change from Suffolk Downs,
although their ponies were still just as good at screwing us over.

Artie "Pork Chops" Pare, a friend and ring rival, was a regular at Rockingham.
I wonder if Chops is still around. He was older than I, but we'd give them a great show.
He was quite the bleeder, bless his heart. Got plenty of it all over me.