Free state project



The Free State Project (FSP) is an American political migration movement founded in 2001 to recruit at least 20,000 libertarians to move to a single low-population state (New Hampshire, was selected in 2003) in order to make the state a stronghold for libertarian ideas.[2] The New Hampshire Union Leader reports the Free State Project is not a political party

The Free State Project (FSP) is an American political migration movement founded in 2001 to recruit at least 20,000 libertarians to move to a single low-population state (New Hampshire, was selected in 2003) in order to make the state a stronghold for libertarian ideas.[2] The New Hampshire Union Leader reports the Free State Project is not a political party


Sorens' work has been published in International Studies Quarterly, Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Peace Research, State Politics and Policy Quarterly, and other academic journals, and his book Secessionism: Identity, Interest, and Strategy was published by McGill-Queen's University Press in 2012

It’s an utter failure

Idiots descended on the chosen town of the libertarians

Tent cities of idiot young men who began feeding the bears their trash

Idiot with no resources trashing the town and creating crimes the city had never seen



Bear attacks