Was on a different thread this afternoon.

well gee, you think it might have to do with different people being on at different times? Or perhaps those that commented on it before just didn't see this thread?

But yes, I am sure you would rather believe that it was because of who posted this and not because of the above reasons.

Bottom line, while tragic that these women were murdered, the same questions still remain unanswered from the previous thread.

1) How many women were brutally murdered in this fashion each year prior to the war?

No one will answer this because they can't. They just continue to give vague "it was better under Saddam" type responses. Or act as though there weren't murders in Iraq under Saddam. They would prefer to pretend that this happened because of the war.

2) WHY don't we have statistics from Iraq in terms of violent crimes in the years of the sancitons? yet we do now?

Could it be that it is because the Iraqi press is FREE to report on the violent crimes now?

3) To put in perspective, again... NOT saying these murders are acceptable in any way.... just putting in perspective.... There would need to be over 100,000 violent crime victims in Iraq each year to be as violent as the U.S.

Yet, we continue to act as though this violence is simply because of the war. The pretenders like to think that Iraqis were flying kites and sipping tea because Michael Moore said so.
well gee, you think it might have to do with different people being on at different times? Or perhaps those that commented on it before just didn't see this thread?

1) How many women were brutally murdered in this fashion each year prior to the war?

No one will answer this because they can't. They just continue to give vague "it was better under Saddam" type responses. Or act as though there weren't murders in Iraq under Saddam. They would prefer to pretend that this happened because of the war.

Im off to go kill and rape some people tonight. If anyone wants to question my morality just remember we've had rapings and killings before tonight as well.
Im off to go kill and rape some people tonight. If anyone wants to question my morality just remember we've had rapings and killings before tonight as well.

How typical. Try actually reading and comprehending what was written. I was not excusing the murders. I am simply questioning WHY it is that people want to act like it is the WAR that caused these murders to happen.

In other words, quit acting like nothing bad happened in Iraq prior to the war and thus blaming everything on the war itself. Because in blaming the war you are trying to excuse the true reasons for their actions.
How typical. Try actually reading and comprehending what was written. I was not excusing the murders. I am simply questioning WHY it is that people want to act like it is the WAR that caused these murders to happen.

In other words, quit acting like nothing bad happened in Iraq prior to the war and thus blaming everything on the war itself. Because in blaming the war you are trying to excuse the true reasons for their actions.

Well, i suppose some people may suggest that "the war" ended in the dismantling of any resemblance of law and order.

Generally, it is taken as red that when a nation, or coalition of nations, invade and occupy a sovereign state, they have some idea of what comes next. In the case of Iraq this seems to have been overlooked, probably one of those things that you just mean to get round to but the mother-in-law calls, the kids are eating soil and the fit lass from next door is sunbathing topless and she's turning over..ooh,yes, where was i?.

Er...dismantle the security services...yes sounds good.

Hang on...won't that create some kind of chaos?

Thinking back to the times in America where there was a total lack of law and order, i'm confident that the Iraqi people will stay in their homes singing "America the Beautiful" rather than take to the streets doing as they please for the next five years.

Is it worse than Saddam? I don't know? Some of them seem to think so, the deluded fools.
SF sounds like the libertarians who tell us that everything is just peechy in somolia.

What a twit. I never suggested that things are are perfectly sweet in Iraq right now. I am suggesting that those who seem to think that Iraq was without murder/rape/torture etc... prior to the war to come back to reality.
What a twit. I never suggested that things are are perfectly sweet in Iraq right now. I am suggesting that those who seem to think that Iraq was without murder/rape/torture etc... prior to the war to come back to reality.

Well, all people who specifically stated "Iraq was without murder/rape/torture under Saddam", feel shame! Since no one did, I don't think we have to worry.
Well, all people who specifically stated "Iraq was without murder/rape/torture under Saddam", feel shame! Since no one did, I don't think we have to worry.

When you have people pretend that these murders were a result of the war, then yes, that implies the murders would not have occured had the war not happened you ignorant little twit.
When you have people pretend that these murders were a result of the war, then yes, that implies the murders would not have occured had the war not happened you ignorant little twit.

Yes, about 1/10th of the murders that have happened since the war would've happened anyway under Saddam, true. You, errr, "ignorant little twit".
Yes, about 1/10th of the murders that have happened since the war would've happened anyway under Saddam, true. You, errr, "ignorant little twit".

Again, another idiotic comment. Did you even bother to notice the part where I stated that murder rates weren't published by Saddam? So just how could you possibly know what the murder rates were prior to the war? You see it is ignorant comments like yours that make me continue to ask the same question over and over again, yet not one of you has been able to answer it.

You also continue to ignore the fact that per capita MORE people are murdered in the US, more are raped, more are victims of assault. It would take a total of over 100k in Iraq per year to even come close to the rate in the US.

AGAIN, this is not to suggest that it is ok to murder people.... but for the love of god put this shit into perspective and quit acting as though it is "1/10 the rate it would have been". You are just pulling ignorant shit like that out of your ass.
Again, another idiotic comment. Did you even bother to notice the part where I stated that murder rates weren't published by Saddam? So just how could you possibly know what the murder rates were prior to the war? You see it is ignorant comments like yours that make me continue to ask the same question over and over again, yet not one of you has been able to answer it.

You also continue to ignore the fact that per capita MORE people are murdered in the US, more are raped, more are victims of assault. It would take a total of over 100k in Iraq per year to even come close to the rate in the US.

AGAIN, this is not to suggest that it is ok to murder people.... but for the love of god put this shit into perspective and quit acting as though it is "1/10 the rate it would have been". You are just pulling ignorant shit like that out of your ass.

It would be rather amazing for 100,000 extra people being murdered in Iraq on a per capita basis to not exceed the US per capita murder rate, being that 100,000 people are not murdered per a year in the United States.