Frère André Canonized

Brother André is officially a Saint. The ceremony is currently (Oct 17, 7am) taking place in Rome.

(Excerpt) In the city of Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada, on a rise of earth known as Mount Royal, there stands a religious edifice of staggering proportions. It is three hundred and sixty-one feet high, taller than either Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in New York or the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. Its girth is so massive that it could hold within itself any one of most of the world’s great shrines, including Saint Anne de Beaupré and Saint Paul of London. The cross atop its domed roof can be seen for miles around, guiding the millions of pilgrims who come there each year. It is the Oratory of Saint Joseph, a worthy tribute to him who is the head of the Holy Family and the Patron of the Universal Church. (End)

Being unfamiliar with religious protocol I'm not sure what acknowledgments are appropriate to extend to my Catholic friends.

"Congratulations on acquiring another Saint."
"Happy Additional Saint Day."