Freshman Democrat says angriest voices in Congress are ‘faking it’

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Rep. Jeff Jackson, D-N.C., has only been in office less than a year, as he himself notes. But he is already the most followed congressman on TikTok -- and his musings about Congress, including the institution’s performative nature, have been viewed millions of times.

In one viral video, viewed 4.5 million times as of Friday, the freshman representative gives an unvarnished perspective of his time on Capitol Hill, saying, "Most of the really angry voices in Congress are totally faking it."

"The same people who act like maniacs during the open meetings are suddenly calm and rational during the closed ones. Why? Because there aren't any cameras in the closed meetings, so their incentives are different," he adds in the recent video. "What I've seen is that members of Congress are surrounded by negative incentives. There are rewards for bad behavior."

The big thing that modern media and modern politicians have learned is that if they can keep you angry, they'll hold your attention," he said later in the video.

"For those who want to see politics look less like WWE, I will keep you posted," he concluded.
Rep. Jeff Jackson, D-N.C., has only been in office less than a year, as he himself notes. But he is already the most followed congressman on TikTok -- and his musings about Congress, including the institution’s performative nature, have been viewed millions of times.

In one viral video, viewed 4.5 million times as of Friday, the freshman representative gives an unvarnished perspective of his time on Capitol Hill, saying, "Most of the really angry voices in Congress are totally faking it."

"The same people who act like maniacs during the open meetings are suddenly calm and rational during the closed ones. Why? Because there aren't any cameras in the closed meetings, so their incentives are different," he adds in the recent video. "What I've seen is that members of Congress are surrounded by negative incentives. There are rewards for bad behavior."

The big thing that modern media and modern politicians have learned is that if they can keep you angry, they'll hold your attention," he said later in the video.

"For those who want to see politics look less like WWE, I will keep you posted," he concluded.

Does he name names?