Friday Plans


Will work for Scooby snacks
A lovely 65 degrees under sunny skies tommorow.

I'm going to check out MM's "Sicko" tommorow. :cool:

And Topper and Damo: I know you guys are always interested in my "carbon footprint" in your never-ending quest to find examples of "liberal hypocrisy". So, I can report to you that the movie theater is solar powered.

A lovely 65 degrees under sunny skies tommorow.

I'm going to check out MM's "Sicko" tommorow. :cool:

And Topper and Damo: I know you guys are always interested in my "carbon footprint" in your never-ending quest to find examples of "liberal hypocrisy". So, I can report to you that the movie theater is solar powered.



I can't wait to hear what you think of the film.
I already think its horseshit, the guy acts like profits=plague
Good on ya cypress I'm big time into alt energy as you know
A lovely 65 degrees under sunny skies tommorow.

I'm going to check out MM's "Sicko" tommorow. :cool:

And Topper and Damo: I know you guys are always interested in my "carbon footprint" in your never-ending quest to find examples of "liberal hypocrisy". So, I can report to you that the movie theater is solar powered.

How are you getting there?
Solar powered? You greedy bastard, give the plants back their sunshine!
I read an article on this just a while ago that said that humans used 25% of the solar power captured by plants and that it was more than "our share". It was speaking of things like E85 gasoline and other sources of power from plants, but it still made me laugh.

If you are human and move, you use energy that you gained from somewhere else, either plant or animal.... I guess you just have to stop eating.
Thats what I heard...

Everybody leaving from Transformers did say it was good though.

The youngest daughter and her new BF took the Grandson to see it on the 4th...they all said it was good!

addendum: Personally not my cup of tea...I like the Jean Claude Van dam movies(What happened to him) Hollywood was really hard on him...and I like the Jackie Chan movies...alot of humor with a twist of action...but hey thats just me!
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Don't see Ratatouille... It sucked.

You're kidding? It got great reviews in the Times and Newsday. I was going to take my niece and nephew to see it tomorrow because I'm baby sitting for them.

Maybe there's something else they'll want to see.
You're kidding? It got great reviews in the Times and Newsday. I was going to take my niece and nephew to see it tomorrow because I'm baby sitting for them.

Maybe there's something else they'll want to see.
I was bored. There were some few good parts, and the story line wasn't bad. They just took too long to get there.
Tiana... I am going with Transformers... much better waste of my money than another propaganda piece of shit from fat boy. HE is the perfect example of what is wrong with our healthcare system.

There... if she isn't gone yet, that should send her to see Moore's p.o.c.
Thats so true...

The new die hard was ok. Too predictable, but some of the one liners were pretty funny.

Bruce is okay...however ya
Gotta love Mel but Danny is a wash...since all of his BS..Think I will dig out 'BraveHeart' for tonight...that is classic Mel...humor with action and drama!
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Tiana... I am going with Transformers... much better waste of my money than another propaganda piece of shit from fat boy. HE is the perfect example of what is wrong with our healthcare system.

There... if she isn't gone yet, that should send her to see Moore's p.o.c.

Oh, don't worry, I'm going to see Michael Moore aka Second Coming of Christ's new movie. But I just happen to be in the mood for action packed mindless entertainment. The throw back to the 80s is the finishing touches.