From me to you


Villified User
Doors swing wide, while embarrassment tries to hide.
lets not forget the hate, before it is too late.

Buy, buy, buy, until it is time to cry.
Lets all feed the beast, while children get the least.

Some turn snide, while riding on their pride.
Hoping to turn the tide, a preacher’s shame is spread wide.

While many die in strife , many just play the fife.
Blinded by stars and stripes, They only see the hypes.

Who wins in November ? No one can seem to remember.
My country tis of thee, what became of liberty.
Doors swing wide, while embarrassment tries to hide.


When I read the first line, I had images either of embarrased closet republicans, or toilet stall doors and Larry Craig.
Doors swing wide, while embarrassment tries to hide.
lets not forget the hate, before it is too late.

Buy, buy, buy, until it is time to cry.
Lets all feed the beast, while children get the least.

Some turn snide, while riding on their pride.
Hoping to turn the tide, a preacher’s shame is spread wide.

While many die in strife , many just play the fife.
Blinded by stars and stripes, They only see the hypes.

Who wins in November ? No one can seem to remember.
My country tis of thee, what became of liberty.

While I don't concur with all, I must admit to being impressed. Wish I could do as well. Salute you!
While I don't concur with all, I must admit to being impressed. Wish I could do as well. Salute you!

I am not good at it , that was just 15 min flash of inspiration, it needs refinement. Perhaps I will get flashed again. :)

Hopefully not by Damo in his underwear though.

It is a beginning....

But thanks.

I was just trying to get diown the essence of right now.