Fuck PayPal!


Uwaa OmO
For those of you who don't know (which I'll guess is everyone but me), I don't support PayPal because of their 'no firearms/ammo/anything related' policy. Well good news for every business man who is like me and boycotts their service! GunPal!


I signed up already.

Their board of directors is a big who's who of gun rights activists, so I encourage their support.
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Very. And this isn't the first gun-rights centered business. Ever hear of a Super Dell? I think they come from CO.
Yeah I quit using them when I found out they had a firearms and Tobacco ban. Can't buy my cigars with paypal either. FUCK PAYPAL!
Cool. I always thought Paypal's rule was stupid. I'll sign up if GunPal shows they are secure with the info.