Fuck the homeless

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head
A few evenings ago, my girlfriend and I were leaving a movie theater in the city where I live, and we passed a homeless guy sitting on the sidewalk, who asked if I could spare a quarter. Having already been asked for change by 5 or 6 other bums the same day, I ignored him.

The bum yelled, "Oh yeah, just ignore me and walk away, you piece of shit."

Not desiring a confrontation in the presence of my girlfriend (and I was packing), and deeming him as unworthy of my time, we carried on, while the waste of human potential continued spouting off...

This was a liberating experience. With the exception of children who are homeless due to abuse, abandonment, etc., I realized that I don't give a FUCK about the homeless, and for that, I feel not a shred of guilt.

I will never give another dime to a homeless person, EVER.

As for the asshole who shouted out my girlfriend and I, one can only hope that this February will be a bitterly cold month, so that the fucker will freeze to death in his sleep. That is nature's way, and justice to anyone who thinks that I "owe" them anything.
This isn't a good a tale as when Dano (not Damo ;)) beat the shit out that homeless chap for some reason relating to his dire circumstances or something.
And while we're on the subject, people shouldn't underestimate the sexual wiles of the homeless, nor the sexual frisson created by indulging in the act of union within the confines of a moderately roomy cardboard box.
Mmm...hunger is a powerful aphrodisiac.

Who'd have thought a packet of tic tac's would double as hard currency?
I prefer snickers, as there is a significant size and color difference between them and my penis. Not so much with white Tic Tacs.
I prefer snickers, as there is a significant size and color difference between them and my penis. Not so much with white Tic Tacs.

I concur, but, due to a case of errant girlfriend, my comparison is with the green variety of tic tac.
A few evenings ago, my girlfriend and I were leaving a movie theater in the city where I live, and we passed a homeless guy sitting on the sidewalk, who asked if I could spare a quarter. Having already been asked for change by 5 or 6 other bums the same day, I ignored him.

The bum yelled, "Oh yeah, just ignore me and walk away, you piece of shit."

Not desiring a confrontation in the presence of my girlfriend (and I was packing), and deeming him as unworthy of my time, we carried on, while the waste of human potential continued spouting off...

This was a liberating experience. With the exception of children who are homeless due to abuse, abandonment, etc., I realized that I don't give a FUCK about the homeless, and for that, I feel not a shred of guilt.

I will never give another dime to a homeless person, EVER.

As for the asshole who shouted out my girlfriend and I, one can only hope that this February will be a bitterly cold month, so that the fucker will freeze to death in his sleep. That is nature's way, and justice to anyone who thinks that I "owe" them anything.


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I've fucked a homeless woman before.

You should write a book. Maybe you can give Chamberlain a run for the money. Yes, I know he's dead but you know what I mean.

"He was a lifelong bachelor and became notorious for his claim to have had sex with 20,000 women, a statement which has entered popular culture."[8]
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You should write a book. Maybe you can give Chamberlain a run for the money.

"He was a lifelong bachelor and became notorious for his claim to have had sex with 20,000 women, a statement which has entered popular culture."[8]
Me and my buddy Mike are writing a book actually.
I am arround so little I am not sure who you are.

Are you grind?

does this mean you are no longer like that?

yeah i've kind of drifted away from that line of thinking. Not that I am going around helping the proles these days, But I'm more focused on reducing negativity from my life and others. A negative outlook affects my mood and does me no good.