Fuck white settler America


No people in history have ever been given more, or feel entitled to more, than white settler America. America is essentially divided into two parts, white settler America, the special snowflakes who got massive handouts under the homestead act and never earned a single thing in their entire worthless existence, and diverse America, which builds all, and does all that is worthwhile in America. Yet the special snowflake settler pieces of shit constantly whine and feel entitled to more and more, they resent ever having to share political power for a second. God fuck settlers and they’re awful spawn. If we could just nuke every area in America populated by white settlers and their progeny off the map, we would be a thousand times better off. They are worthless animals that bring nothing but shame to the other white people who actually earn their keep and aren’t entitled pieces of shit who always whine.
And of course the only people they ever feel a shred of sympathy for worldwide are fellow entitled settler parasites like the Boers and the Israelis. Jesus Christ fuck these animals, nuke all the settlers off the face of the Earth, entitled worthless pieces of shit.