Fuck you and your rights, fuck em all.

This is probably about the new gun law HR-45.

Actually, no. What it has to do with is the fact that I poured over a year of my life and time in to pursuing open carry legislation in Texas, only to have the TSRA and SCCC undermine and scuttle opencarry.org in order to ensure their own proposals are the only ones considered. This after doing everything in my power to also support their pursuits.

If they care that little about my rights, fuck theirs.
Actually, no. What it has to do with is the fact that I poured over a year of my life and time in to pursuing open carry legislation in Texas, only to have the TSRA and SCCC undermine and scuttle opencarry.org in order to ensure their own proposals are the only ones considered. This after doing everything in my power to also support their pursuits.

If they care that little about my rights, fuck theirs.

Texas, what a place to waste a year of your life...