Fuck You Russia!


Atheist Missionary
Yesterday, the Russians blocked an attempt to bring a forceful UN resolution against Iran to release the RN sailors that the Iranians have kidnapped.

How quickly they forget that two years ago, the RN saved a Russian Submarine crew from certain death.


Next time, we should let the Russian sailors die on the sea floor. Fuck them.

I'm coming to the opinion that we should sail a fleet into Iranian waters and sink an Iranian ship every day until they release our men and cut off all EU economic aid to Russia.
I'm coming to the opinion that we should sail a fleet into Iranian waters and sink an Iranian ship every day until they release our men and cut off all EU economic aid to Russia.

I don't know about sinking a ship in Iranian waters, but clearly Russia and Iran are collaborating and a block of economic aid would certainly send a message to the Russians. I'm sure you could easily manage to get the US to enact similar measures. I don't trust Putin one bit.
Apparently the holding of the Bittish sailors is sort of a 911 event in Jolly old england....Emotion wise....Just nuke em all and let god sort em out ?
Is Blair or someone using this event to their political gain ?
Apparently the holding of the Bittish sailors is sort of a 911 event in Jolly old england....Emotion wise....Just nuke em all and let god sort em out ?
Is Blair or someone using this event to their political gain ?

I kind of thought Blair was a lame duck so to speak. Isn't he resigning soon?

I'd expect this kind of stuff out of A-need-a-job, but for Russia to do that in my opinion is a little more worrysome. If I recall correctly before the war they were against us going in and then a couple of years later they claimed they thought that Saddam was a threat? And then the whole poisoning affair just tells me they are up to something big. They can't be trusted one bit. At least Iran is straight forward with their intentions.
Yesterday, the Russians blocked an attempt to bring a forceful UN resolution against Iran to release the RN sailors that the Iranians have kidnapped.

How quickly they forget that two years ago, the RN saved a Russian Submarine crew from certain death.


Next time, we should let the Russian sailors die on the sea floor. Fuck them.

I'm coming to the opinion that we should sail a fleet into Iranian waters and sink an Iranian ship every day until they release our men and cut off all EU economic aid to Russia.

They will be released, unharmed. Iran is milking this for internal political purposes but there is no benefit to them in harming them.
Yesterday, the Russians blocked an attempt to bring a forceful UN resolution against Iran to release the RN sailors that the Iranians have kidnapped.

How quickly they forget that two years ago, the RN saved a Russian Submarine crew from certain death.


Next time, we should let the Russian sailors die on the sea floor. Fuck them.

I'm coming to the opinion that we should sail a fleet into Iranian waters and sink an Iranian ship every day until they release our men and cut off all EU economic aid to Russia.

we should sail a fleet into Iranian waters and sink an Iranian ship every day

I'm not convinced this is prudent.

The response should be proportional. After all, the Iranians haven't killed anybody yet. I think the most prudent course would be economic and diplomatic sanctions. And failing that, perhaps seizing a couple iranian oil tankers in retaliation. Without hurting the crew.

But, thanks for your Dixie-esque response! ;)

just teasing........
Yesterday, the Russians blocked an attempt to bring a forceful UN resolution against Iran to release the RN sailors that the Iranians have kidnapped.

How quickly they forget that two years ago, the RN saved a Russian Submarine crew from certain death.


Next time, we should let the Russian sailors die on the sea floor. Fuck them.

I'm coming to the opinion that we should sail a fleet into Iranian waters and sink an Iranian ship every day until they release our men and cut off all EU economic aid to Russia.
Are you serious? Sink an Iranian vessel a day? Wow.
Like I said, this is apparently heating up GB like 911 did to the US.
I would have thought a philosopher would have been able to spperate his emotions and reason better...
Like I said, this is apparently heating up GB like 911 did to the US.
I would have thought a philosopher would have been able to spperate his emotions and reason better...

Iran's taunting them. Making those captured sailors release these "confessions". It's interesting to me to watch this, as I see one more government with no regard for the blowback their confrontational actions cause.

Eventually, people could die over this. But rest assured, it will be no one directly involved in it. I'd like to take one of them by the ear, twist it, sit them down, and say, you think that was funny, do you?

I really should have more power, I'd straighten a lot of this shit out.
This is honestly one of the dumbest, most politically immature things the Iranian state has ever done. It's just so frivolous, so stupid, that I'm rather amazed such a bunch of fucking 12 year olds can even run the damn nation.
Why should six "kings" of the UN have the power to block every measure they want to? It makes the council basically useless. It was an aristocratic measure whenever they put it in and I think it's time to dump it.