fuck you

Brent, you try too hard.

I was never this inelequent whenever I was drunk. I either start telling people to die or I loved everyone. I need to drunk post more.
Hell, I never am impaired enough to make a difference in terms of the quality of my writing when I am drunk. The feelings conveyed may change, but its still highly literate.

Only one beer so far though...
Angry drunks give me the shits. You can't belt them one because they're pissed off their face, but you have to deal with them somehow. I prefer happy drunks. Like me. :clink:
Angry drunks give me the shits. You can't belt them one because they're pissed off their face, but you have to deal with them somehow.

Kinda like how my roommate got mad for no reason in particular and took a fire extinguisher and sprayed it all over the place which in turn set off alarms and all 1000 people in our dorm was outside in the winter at 3 am.