fuck you

Fuck me? No, fuck you!
I saw that once in real life.
I was working for this mafia dude who owned a fish trucking company.
This guy was a true badass who shot a guy to death in Logan airport in front of a hundred witnesses and got away with it.
Huge bastard about 6'6 and 350 pounds.
This drunken junkie fool walks up to him and says "fuck you Richard"
Richard says "fuck me? Fuck you and shoves the poor sot.
Fucker flew through the air about 20 feet and crumpled into a heap on the floor. I will never forget that.
I saw that once in real life.
I was working for this mafia dude who owned a fish trucking company.
This guy was a true badass who shot a guy to death in Logan airport in front of a hundred witnesses and got away with it.
Huge bastard about 6'6 and 350 pounds.
This drunken junkie fool walks up to him and says "fuck you Richard"
Richard says "fuck me? Fuck you and shoves the poor sot.
Fucker flew through the air about 20 feet and crumpled into a heap on the floor. I will never forget that.
i imagine that would have been memorable.