Fucking Rice Dream

I've tried it. my stepkids love it for some reason.
That's because it's sweeter then Cows milk. It has more carbs which are enzymatically broken down into simple sugars. It's a hell of a lot better tasting then soy milk and is a good substitute for those who have lactose intolerance. It's popular in Asia because a lot of Asian find cows milk just disgusting. Call it a cultural bias. I've tried it. It's not bad....but I prefer cows milk.
its gross, i've had it

that said, horchata is pretty good

i drink horizon organic milk...best on the market and tastes like the local milk we used to get in the 80's and 90's from cal poly
My Uncle down the road was a dairy farmer. Didn't get no fresher then that. He'd dress a steer for his own freezer each year and dry age his own steaks. OMG!
Didn't get no fresher then that.

Sure does....