FullofshitPolitics.com Dead in the Water!


Junior Member
I was wondering why even SR was posting here....

Who's Online - There are currently 1 Guests, 1 Member and 1 Invisible Member browsing FullPolitics

Only SR is logged in to his own site, except he's also logged in and posting over here.

I actually feal sorry for him.:(


oh...and at this hour, there are seven folks here and eleven folks at FP.com... for what it's worth.

I really wish the masterchief would quit impersonating a navy veteran!
It's going pretty well over there. Which is good. I didn't create this site to "ruin" anybody or to wreck anything. I created it because I have wanted to create a site for some time...
Immanuel said:
You will be missed. I can't say that about some others here who I will not name.

Oh come on: name names. Inquiring minds demand to know. :rolleyes:

I'll continue to haunt both places, at least for a while. I'm curious to see how SR's experiment comes out.
OrnotBitwise said:
Oh come on: name names. Inquiring minds demand to know. :rolleyes:

I'll continue to haunt both places, at least for a while. I'm curious to see how SR's experiment comes out.

Nope! Not naming names but if you left the other site you too would be missed. Does that satisfy your inquiring mind?

Well, this site actually currently has far more relevant threads about politics...

I don't know why, but most people on the other site just ignored the "off topic" thread and posted personal shit in the politics forum, but in this site people actually keep to the forums they're supposed.
But it is good that you come to visit us Darla... And you'll see me over there, just as you'll see SR_ over here occassionally...
Darla said:
It sucks that you and Care left though.

awww, I'm flattered I'm missed. But the only reason I stayed on that site was because of the people I really liked. I was there despite SR's racist pigheaded ways. Now that we've got another site, there's no reason for me to be over there. I don't want to contribute to him one day making the board profitable. Its a matter of principal.
Damocles said:
But it is good that you come to visit us Darla... And you'll see me over there, just as you'll see SR_ over here occassionally...

Ok. Are you still going to run for the council?
tianabautre said:
awww, I'm flattered I'm missed. But the only reason I stayed on that site was because of the people I really liked. I was there despite SR's racist pigheaded ways. Now that we've got another site, there's no reason for me to be over there. I don't want to contribute to him one day making the board profitable. Its a matter of principal.

Yeah I understand.

I don't know what's up with him with that racist shit. I can tolerate him otherwise, even with the right wing nonsense. It disappoints me in a weird way.

Anyway, this board will probably end up to be real cool, who knows what it will morph into as time goes on. Or FP either. It's kind of interesting.
I think its doing well and its only been in existence for under one week!:)
I will say this, I've learned a lot about message boards since this entire thing started.