FullTilt Poker


Sexy Beast!
MBL, you play this at all? I've been playing it ever sinc eI found out you could still play with real money there. I've since doubled up.
I'm DivingDW on there, just won a $1.00 45 player SnG last night for $17. Its fun when you can play cheap.

Just download FullTilt and go to the cashier button. It's as easy as it used to be to put money in. Just got to have $50 minimum.
I'm DivingDW on there, just won a $1.00 45 player SnG last night for $17. Its fun when you can play cheap.

Just download FullTilt and go to the cashier button. It's as easy as it used to be to put money in. Just got to have $50 minimum.

I played in a couple of $10 and $20 Sng's last night, didn't cash.

My name is ubertard. Look for me next time you're on and I'll do the same.
I stopped in on one of your SnG's mbl, then went and got in a $2 one, and won it. I came in 3rd in another 45 person tourny as well. At this rate, I'll be playing $10 SnG's in a week. I only play with 5% of my bankroll and started with $50.
I stopped in on one of your SnG's mbl, then went and got in a $2 one, and won it. I came in 3rd in another 45 person tourny as well. At this rate, I'll be playing $10 SnG's in a week. I only play with 5% of my bankroll and started with $50.

I won a NL Omaha High $10 SNG, and came in second on a NLH SNG last night. Then I got high and donked off all my winnings. Its so different online than in the casinos, I'm still adjusting.
Last night I spent $4.50 to win $19. I won an 18 player $2 SnG and 2nd in 9 player $2 SnG, My computer started screwing around and FullTilt was closing on me when I was going head to head on the 9 player, screwed up my whole game and a bunch of blinds were taken just because I couldn't play.

I'm now over $100 so I'm going to see if I can compete in some higher buy-ins, but no more than $10.
I've been playing play money there, up to about 1/2 million.
play 3-6 or 6-12 at injun casino close by when I feel like risking my hard earned $, havent set up a real $ account on fulltilt yet. maybe its time.