Fun Conversations from my Mormon Ex Girlfriend


on indefiniate mod break
For the record she is 100% serious on all convos.

2:24:30 Mormon Girl: If gay marriage is legalized I really will move
2:24:32 Mormon Girl: I'm not joking
2:24:35 Mormon Girl: I'm moving to portugal
2:24:39 Grind: no you wont.
2:25:01 Mormon Girl: Yes, I will
2:25:50 Mormon Girl: I don't want to raise my children here
2:26:33 Grind: by the time you have children in portugal
2:26:38 Grind: they'll have legalized it there too
2:26:49 Grind: they already have LEGAL same-sex civil unions
2:26:53 Grind: which is more than america has so far
2:26:55 Grind: so good luck


2:29:09 Mormon Girl: :(
2:29:24 Mormon Girl: Matt, I hope Christ comes and the earth is destroyed before it is legalized
2:29:39 Mormon Girl: I'm serious
2:32:36 Mormon Girl: Matt, I really don't want it to happen
2:33:08 Grind: it doesnt' really affect you. the mormon church still wont have to marry gay people if they don't want.
2:33:20 Grind: gay people are going to be together and live together anyway
2:33:30 Mormon Girl: No, Matt
2:33:32 Mormon Girl: it WILL affect me
2:33:46 Mormon Girl: It will impose on what and how I can teach my children
2:34:20 Mormon Girl: Teachers and kids will tell MY kids that I'm a biggot and closed minded if I tell my kids not to support gay marriage
2:34:45 Mormon Girl: It affects everyone


2:37:12 Grind: you can't stop social change
2:37:17 Grind: regardless if there are laws or not
2:37:24 Mormon Girl: Well I'm going to try
2:37:28 Mormon Girl: At least I'm not alone
2:37:39 Grind: if you ban gay marriage gay people will still live together and become more and more accepted by society
2:41:15 Grind: you had gay friends in high school it didn't corrupt you
2:41:22 Grind: and kids tend to believe parents over teachers anyway
2:41:46 Grind: i grew up in one of the most liberal states in the nation within one of the most liberal education systems
2:41:58 Grind: and im conservative
2:42:04 Grind: at least on fiscal policy
2:42:14 Mormon Girl: No
2:42:17 Mormon Girl: It will affect parents
2:42:20 Mormon Girl: and kids
2:42:21 Mormon Girl: and family
2:42:30 Mormon Girl: and be a precurser to the moral discintigration of society
The core of the matter:

"Teachers and kids will tell MY kids that I'm a biggot and closed minded if I tell my kids not to support gay marriage"
Irony anyone?

Irony perhaps? (one day later)

2:09:01 Mormon Girl: Matt, I had this dream that I beat the shit out of this one girl in my portuguese class and then last night I had a sex dream about the SAME girl
2:09:02 Mormon Girl: wtf?
2:09:34 Grind: errrrr
2:09:35 Grind: lezzzz
2:09:42 Mormon Girl: No
2:09:44 Mormon Girl: I'm not
2:11:29 Grind: yes you are i think it's time you come out
2:11:30 Grind: lol


2:11:55 Mormon Girl: you want me to be
2:11:57 Grind: you fantasize about girls, you have sex dreams about girls HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOO you like girls O_O
2:12:04 Mormon Girl: No I don't
2:12:10 Mormon Girl: I really really really cannot stand girls
2:12:14 Mormon Girl: I like boys
2:12:16 Grind: .....
2:12:19 Mormon Girl: I'm serious
2:12:23 Grind: lol
2:12:32 Grind: you are probably bi
2:12:39 Mormon Girl: and even if I DID like girls, I would live a life of depravity cause I would only be with men cause I believe that's right and I want to have children O_O


2:12:40 Grind: there is no doubt in my mind you are bi
2:13:08 Mormon Girl: Matt, there is a difference between liking sex in GENERAL and being physically and emotionally attracted to women
2:13:17 Mormon Girl: And Bi is a load of crap
2:13:25 Mormon Girl: I don't believe bi is an actual orientation
2:14:34 Grind: well
2:14:39 Grind: i think
2:14:43 Grind: if you weren't mormonfied
2:14:45 Grind: you'd be lez
2:14:48 Grind: or bi
2:15:08 Grind: if i had sex dreams about guys and fantasized about guys
2:15:11 Grind: you would be like
2:15:16 Grind: "matt... you are gay"
2:15:21 Grind: but girls do the same and they are not gay
2:17:08 Grind: makes no sense
2:17:31 Mormon Girl: It does make sense
2:17:39 Mormon Girl: girls are so conditioned to believe that three somes and all that jazz are SEXY
2:17:49 Mormon Girl: it would only be natural that I would want to FEEL sexy in my SEX dreams


2:17:54 Grind: i could never be conditioned to be attracted to men
2:17:55 Grind: ever
2:19:23 Mormon Girl: *eye roll*
2:19:26 Mormon Girl: yeah you could
2:19:29 Grind: no..
2:19:30 Grind: i could not.
2:19:41 Mormon Girl: yes you could
2:19:44 Grind: nope
2:19:52 Grind: i know you think it's easy but that's only cause you are bi


2:19:59 Mormon Girl: haven't you ever heard of people who are lesbian/gay because they were sexually abused when they were little?
2:20:04 Mormon Girl: I'm not bi
2:20:06 Mormon Girl: stop it matt
2:20:12 Grind: im not trying to hurt your feelings
2:20:20 Grind: it doesn't change my opinion of you
2:20:22 Mormon Girl: MATT
2:20:23 Mormon Girl: STOPIT!!
2:20:25 Mormon Girl: I'M NOT BI!
2:20:36 Grind: whatever you say O__O
2:21:42 Mormon Girl: Ok I'm going to stop talkingto you...
2:22:01 Grind: lol
2:22:17 Mormon Girl: Stop : /
2:23:31 Mormon Girl: I have to study
2:23:41 Mormon Girl: I have to go
2:23:41 Mormon Girl: bye
obviously watermark is lying as usual.

and epic ... yes, this girl is very very crazy. how is your ex crazy? any good stories?
I like your ex.


Grind said:
2:19:52 Grind: i know you think it's easy but that's only cause you are bi


OMG. I'm still laughing out loud at that comment. Well done and I think you deserve pwnage points in the YP group.

Great thread!