Fun Restaurants


Junior Member
1) In an apparent attempt to boost lagging liquor sales, a bar in China is allowing its customers to beat up the staff.

According to the newspaper China Daily, the Rising Sun Anger Release Bar (unquestionably the best bar name of all time) in Nanjing lets customers smash glasses and even hit specially trained workers.

The bar employs 20 men who have been given protective gear and physical training to prepare them for the job. This seems like it would reduce the fun of getting drunk and punching a bartender, but I assume the owners of the Rising Sun Anger Release Bar know what they're doing.

2)'Hitler's Cross', which opened last week, serves up a wide range of continental fare and a big helping of controversy, thanks to a name the owners say they chose to stand out among hundreds of Mumbai eateries.

"We wanted to be different. This is one name that will stay in people's minds," owner Punit Shablok told Reuters
And just as a aside, is Burger King going for the teenager Stern market with it's Big Hucking Chicken Promo? Bet the kids love ordering a big hucking sandwich!