Funny how money corrupts isn't it.


Well-known member
Anyone remember the somewhat famous " battle of Seattle" back in 99? It was all about Clinton/Gore pushing us into the WTO as factory after factory shuffled off to China and took their jobs with them. You know,....back when Billary got caught red handed taking money from Johnny Chang and the Chi coms. Anyway,.....back then the people engaged in a lot of the "rough stuff" going on at the Seattle protests were none other than Antifa. Bill and the D's were public enemy number one to them in those days. Now of course the scumbags, er I mean Antifa are nothing more than a bunch of lapdogs for the D party that protest on demand. A pathetic little army made up primarily of dweebs, fat chicks, fags and trannies. :) That Soros money is one hell of a drug I guess isn't it? ;)