funny names

A guy named Richard I. Dick used to write technical papers on waste treatment.

Richard (Dick) I. Bong was America's top Ace in WW2.
to determine the minimum age of a girl you should date:

divide your age by 2

add 7

I'm telling you, it works
21 or under you're in trouble.:fogey:
If you are 22, this would make the girl 18. If you are 21, it would make her 17 1/2 and within the 4 year window provided by most states for consent. If you are 20, it would make the age 17 and you are still within that window. It actually does work.
If you are 22, this would make the girl 18. If you are 21, it would make her 17 1/2 and within the 4 year window provided by most states for consent. If you are 20, it would make the age 17 and you are still within that window. It actually does work.
I wasn't aware that most states had a window. I recall some articles about an 18 year old taking his pregnant 17 year old girlfriend to the hospital then getting arrested for rape and shit.