Funny programming test

Says the trolling forum douchebag. The only worthless things in this thread are the elements containing textContent with your moniker attached.

Canvas Tag FTW!!
BTW if you're using Opera or Firefox, the page works properly, but if you use Chrome,I have to slow down the animation a bit. I modified some guy's script and removed his method for positioning the canvas. He had created the canvas as the entire screen and then moved the tiny sprite all over the canvas. I changed it to a small canvas element that's the size of the sprite and then instead of moving the sprite on the canvas, I move the canvas element on the page. In addition, I removed his getImageData call in which he removed background color in the image. Instead, I created the transparent png images and removed the costly getImageData loop.

The result is about 2X faster (totally fabricated statistic)
And once I figure out how to get internet explorer to deal with prototype objects, I'll be able to make it work for that craptastic browser too.

here's the link to the original script.
Humor according to tinfoil:

Tinfoil: Hey, want to hear a joke!
Scared onlooker staring at the deranged psychotic man: ...what?!
Tinfoil: Warmers are wrong! Goracle! LOL! LOL!
*Onlooker runs in terror*
Tinfoil: Goracle! Warmers! LOL! LOL! LOL!

*God takes mercy on humanity and strikes tinfoil with lightning*
stirfry used to be normal but I think he had a mental breakdown. 30% chance he's schizophrenic now. His posts are almost all stream of consciousness these days, and he talks to an audience that doesn't exist, whom all applaud him for his expert tinkering of some javascript. Not only that, but his invisible audience finds the canvas tag hilarious and they all share a good hearty laugh.
Just read the news, dipshits. The canvas tag is about to replace Flash. It's a brand new technology. Yeah, nobody cares about it. Well, just people who have no knowledge of how the mysterious computers work.

I don't care that anyone here reads this thread or not. I posted it for my own reference and to link to others in the internet community with which I correspond. Using this forum to create links saves me from having to pay for additional web space.

Why do I bother explaining to tards like you anyway?