Funny Times these are....


New member
You know the Press deserves I would say at least 50% of the blame of rushing to War.....Bush and Co. the other 50%

You know these are funny times....

Paris Hilton......65 days in jail for drunk driving
Paul Bremer...... Congressional Medal of Honor for fucking up rebuilding of Iraq

Britney Spears .... losses kids for bad parenting....
Condi Rice....gets acclaim for not knowing how to negotiate with others...
(and we know the only reason she got the job was cause she was black - cue the libertarian and lieberman democrat attacks on me)

George Bush....Gets re-elected for not protecting American troops
Rosie O'Donnell....Gets fired for being gay

Dick Cheney....Gets famous for shooting his friend
Dick Cheney....Nothing about his roll in faking the evidence to invade Iraq

Dan Rather....Gets fired for not checking a NEWS STORY...
Mike Browne.... Your doing a "heckuva job Brownie!"

Strange times indeed...

This is why..........

you live and work way up North...a distorted view on life and facts...must be the Northern lights syndrome...everything gets distorted!