FYI I recently moved and just got back online after being in the dark for about 2 wee

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
FYI I recently moved and just got back online after being in the dark for about 2 weeks. Yeah still alive and kicking ... A little ailed too due to a tooth chipping, becoming razor sharp and cutting my tongue again and again which after a couple of months lead to an infection. I got the abscessed tooth that chipped pulled, took antibiotics etc. and it still hasn't healed and it gets hard to eat. I have a constant headache as of late. The incompetent imbecile who was my previous landlord doesn't deliver his tenants their mail thus when I lost my health card and applied for a new one that goof bag sat on it for weeks and I never got it so I moved and applied right away for a new one with my new address. Hopefully for me, I can get this under control before it kills me off. I'm not one to advocate violence but a small part of me wants to rip that pos's head off but would rather see him federally charged for tampering with mail time and time again the incompetent imbecile. What a piece of shit.



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
The Forum can now breath a little easier knowing you're back on-line again.

(Please don't tell me besides the Free Health care you get with your Health Card ... you get Free Dental too?!?)