Gabbard 'Agent of Russian Disinformation' After Fox Segment

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Gabbard was filling in as a host on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight when she said that Europe is in a "massive energy crisis right now" because of the sanctions that were placed on Russia, which she described as "nothing short of a modern day siege."

"You are a liar @TulsiGabbard. You lie for notoriety and self promotion. Worse yet, as an agent of Russian disinformation you promote Russian aggression and endanger America. You have picked a side. Your side is Russia and authoritarianism," he wrote on Twitter on Saturday.
Gabbard was filling in as a host on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight when she said that Europe is in a "massive energy crisis right now" because of the sanctions that were placed on Russia, which she described as "nothing short of a modern day siege."

"You are a liar @TulsiGabbard. You lie for notoriety and self promotion. Worse yet, as an agent of Russian disinformation you promote Russian aggression and endanger America. You have picked a side. Your side is Russia and authoritarianism," he wrote on Twitter on Saturday.

FOX is all bullshit. Who cares.
Gabbard was filling in as a host on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight when she said that Europe is in a "massive energy crisis right now" because of the sanctions that were placed on Russia, which she described as "nothing short of a modern day siege."

"You are a liar @TulsiGabbard. You lie for notoriety and self promotion. Worse yet, as an agent of Russian disinformation you promote Russian aggression and endanger America. You have picked a side. Your side is Russia and authoritarianism," he wrote on Twitter on Saturday.

Thank you Guano. Nice you thanked her for being a democrat candidate for POTUS and her service to our country.
Europe is facing--Germany in particular--an energy crisis because they adopted Progressive Leftist ideas on energy generation wholesale. Germany got rid of their nuclear plants, replacing them at first with nothing. Because wind and solar have proven to be complete fail, they're now building 25 new "clean" coal plants (an oxymoron there, hum?) to replace the nuke plants and make for the shitty wind and solar issues. Last year, in December, there was a period of 12 days were ZERO wind and solar was generated. That's how stupid that shit is. Could you go two weeks without electricity?

Because natural gas was banned from residential use in many places, Germans are using pellet stoves and polluting the fuck out of places in the US to make the pellets because there isn't enough forest in Europe to supply the demand.

Yet, the retards on the Left want more of this shit and want to bring it to the US. Fuck Joke Biden and his Inflation Expansion Act.
Europe is facing--Germany in particular--an energy crisis because they adopted Progressive Leftist ideas on energy generation wholesale. Germany got rid of their nuclear plants, replacing them at first with nothing. Because wind and solar have proven to be complete fail, they're now building 25 new "clean" coal plants (an oxymoron there, hum?) to replace the nuke plants and make for the shitty wind and solar issues. Last year, in December, there was a period of 12 days were ZERO wind and solar was generated. That's how stupid that shit is. Could you go two weeks without electricity?

Because natural gas was banned from residential use in many places, Germans are using pellet stoves and polluting the fuck out of places in the US to make the pellets because there isn't enough forest in Europe to supply the demand.

Yet, the retards on the Left want more of this shit and want to bring it to the US. Fuck Joke Biden and his Inflation Expansion Act.

While slandering anyone exposing and / or opposing their bullshit because all those sick fucks have are lies and deceptions especially on the foundations of primary issues.
Gabbard was filling in as a host on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight when she said that Europe is in a "massive energy crisis right now" because of the sanctions that were placed on Russia, which she described as "nothing short of a modern day siege."

"You are a liar @TulsiGabbard. You lie for notoriety and self promotion. Worse yet, as an agent of Russian disinformation you promote Russian aggression and endanger America. You have picked a side. Your side is Russia and authoritarianism," he wrote on Twitter on Saturday.

Now I understand

"Gabbard has been previously called out for repeatedly criticizing Democrats. In 2019, Vice President Kamala Harris, who was a California senator at the time, targeted her during a Democratic debate.

"I think that it's unfortunate that we have someone on this stage that is attempting to be the Democratic nominee for president of the United States, who during the Obama administration spent four years full time on Fox News criticizing President Obama," Harris said."

She doesn't shuck and jive like black conservatives to the democrat tune so she gets labeled a "liar".