Gabbard’s Goal


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The DNC has been reduced to three choices. Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Tulsi Gabbard.

I said this on Oct 20, 2019:

Tulsi Gabbard is the only Democrat that can make the run for the roses in 2020 an interesting race albeit a losing run. In short: Democrats better find an interesting candidate because the other Democrat wannabes are circus clowns beating each other over the head with rubber chickens.

By the time the Democrat Party convention comes around Joe Biden will be sucking pablum thru a straw in an assisted living facility. Bernie Sanders will be hooked up to a life support device, and Cherokee Warren will be back on the reservation performing rain dances to earn a few bucks.

Listen to Tulsi and you will see that she is the only Democrat who puts foreign policy ahead of Socialism’s domestic garbage:


Every Washington elitist fears Tulsi Gabbard more than they fear President Trump so they conspired to erase her. Since the swamp creatures made Tulsi a non-person she has every Right to rub their goddamned noses in the shit they have been dumping on this country since 1945. There is no way in hell Tulsi, or anyone else, can change this country’s anti-America foreign policy as long as the U.S. remains in the United Nations. There is no better issue to unite American voters than to send the United Nations packing. If Tulsi is serious about changing foreign policy these 12 words are a start:


Nothing rubs elitist noses more effectively than a Democrat badmouthing the United Nations.

President Trump’s biggest mistake was not firing every Clinton & Obama holdover. Should Tulsi beat the odds she will have to do what Trump failed to do —— in addition to keeping the best of Trump’s holdovers. She will need all of the help she can get in order to keep her promise.

The odds of Biden or Clinton beating President Trump are a Googol against. The odds of Tulsi winning the nomination are a Googolplex against even though she is an infinitely better choice for the country than the other two.

Finally, Biden and Clinton goals are self-serving.

Hillary Clinton becoming the first female president is the only thing that keeps her alive. In whatever remains of Biden’s diseased mind he is running for one thing. He wants to be remembered with America’s best presidents on Presidents’ Day. The thought of either one making it to the President’s Hall of Fame is enough to turn every American’s stomach.
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Biden's mental state leaves Clyburn no choice:

House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) is suggesting the Democratic National Committee (DNC) “step in” and cancel the remaining presidential primaries and debates if it appears Joe Biden is favored to win the nomination.

Clyburn, who was instrumental in helping the former vice president revive his campaign with a win in the South Carolina primary, floated the idea during an interview with NPR. The majority whip, in particular, argued that if Biden were to best Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in Michigan and a number of the other states holding their primaries on Tuesday, then the race was over and the DNC should intercede.

“I think when the night is over, Joe Biden will be the prohibitive favorite to win the Democratic nomination,” Clyburn said. “If the night ends the way it has begun, I think it is time for us to shut this primary down. It is time for us to cancel the rest of these debates.”

“You don’t do anything but get yourself in trouble if you continue in this contest when it’s obvious that the numbers will not shake out for you,” the majority whip added.

Rigged: Jim Clyburn Suggests DNC Cancel Debates and Primaries, Anoint Biden
by Haris Alic
10 Mar 2020

The DNC makes the rules. Superdelegates anoint the Democrat Party’s candidate irrespective of who rank & file Democrats vote for.

Since the swamp creatures made Tulsi a non-person she has every Right to rub their goddamned noses in the shit they have been dumping on this country since 1945.

It is no wonder that Clyburn wants debates and remaining primaries cancelled. Whether or not Tulsi is allowed to debate Biden she has to be shutdown before she picks up a few delegates in the remaining primaries.

Can you imagine what Tulsi Gabbard would do to Senile Joe in a debate?

Clyburn not only has to hide Biden’s rapidly deteriorating mental condition from the voting public he is spending a lot time praying for a miracle.

Blacks Americans are approximately 13 percent of the population. Black Americans voted for the Democrat by more than 90 percent in election after election, but they cannot elect a president on their own. Black leaders have a tough nut selling Biden. They have to convince enough non-whites to elect a corpse in the general election.

Bottom line: To race hustlers like Clyburn a catatonic Biden in the White House is better than Obama and Bill Clinton. An unconscious Biden gives a small number of black race hustlers in the swamp the authority to run the government from behind the scene.

Note that Senile Joe said he will recall Obama’s favorite people to serve in his administration. Many of them are people of mixed race like Obama.
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Bottom line: To race hustlers like Clyburn a catatonic Biden in the White House is better than Obama and Bill Clinton. An unconscious Biden gives a small number of black race hustlers in the swamp the authority to run the government from behind the scene.

The race hustler started out with a woman —— any woman Democrat:

Clyburn says Biden should pick a woman to be his running mate
Suzanne Smalley
March 5, 2020

Surprise! Surprise! The race hustler narrowed the field down to a black woman Democrat:

Clyburn urges Biden to pick black woman as running mate: 'African American women need to be rewarded' for loyalty
By Kaelan Deese
03/11/20 01:29 PM EDT

Clyburn gets a big attaboy for admitting that he wants a black women who will work for wealthy black parasites in government rather than serve Caucasian, Oriental, Latino, and Indian Americans. (Check with Cherokee Warren to see how she feels about it?)