Game of JPP (yes this is going to be a real thing)


on indefiniate mod break
Well obv I have too much time on my hand and I like doing pointless things.

The premise:

- You get points for various "Achievements" while posting on JPP. We'll keep a running leaderboard going in another thread, and then, each week (or maybe bi-monthly) we'll have a winner. They will get an additional title, something along the lines of "JPP Champion."

Don't you want to be a JPP champion? Thought so . . .

I've already come up with many achievements. Still need to round out the list.

If you want to propose an idea, I suggest it's:

1) whimsical/tongue in cheek
2) possible
3) associated with either dedication to JPP or keeping the drama going

Here is what we have so far, in no order. Haven't thought of point values yet:
  1. Get a moderator to apologize for anything
  2. Have dixie admit he is wrong on anything. The exception being he can't use it to further a new more important arguemnt (i.e. "yes, you were right, bush was a bad president, because he was TOO LIBERAL!" does not count. It's gotta be a total mea culpa.) This will be worth a fuckton of points.
  3. Have anyone change their minds on a topic within the same thread
  4. Get someone to rage quit JPP because of you. Short term breaks count
  5. Start a random "off topic" thread and have it get over 100 posts. Emphasis on random.
  6. Make a post that gets 4 thanks. (5+ gets bonus points)
  7. Make a post that gets 4 groans (5+ gets bonus points)
  8. Get someone to claim that they've added you to ignore. (Bonus if they keep talking to you in spite of that during the same week they ignored you)
  9. Start a thread that's meant to be humorous, and have me agree that is indeed, quite funny.
  10. Start any thread any where that gets 300+ replies
  11. Change your name and get 1 person publicly confused about your true identity
  12. Have someone call you extremely hyperbolic names that obviously aren't true (nazi, communist, america hater)
  13. Make a post that is on a topic you know little about that can easily be refuted with objective data
  14. Prove the #13 offender wrong with said objectie data (a good example of 13 and 14 would be facts v. mott re: evolution and gay genes)
  15. Get someone to quote you in their sig line. (has to be done by someone that generally disagrees with you)
  16. Post after 4am in your own timezone.
.. I think I want to get to 20.

P.S., I totally haven't cleared this with damocles yet. Mod's doing stuff without Damo's permission is like . . . 20 jpp points.
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I got a better idea... It's called The Game of Posting Intelligent Discussion.

1. Post something actually intelligent.
2. Discuss it by giving details and facts.
3. Points deducted for rude and insulting comments not pertaining to discussion.
4. Points added for legitimate cite sourcing and deducted for propaganda links.
5. Present a reasoned argument to support your point.

Of course, I would win this game, no doubt... but it would be fun for the rest of you to try!
dixie your avatar is fucking awesome. It's almost bringing tears to my eyes over how great it is. This is a very holy trinity worthy avatar. you should be proud.
17. Can't take a joke award. (when someone is clearly using hyperbole, having fun, you respond as if the OP was totally serious)

17 happens to me a lot.
Thanks USF, I don't know why I didn't know that, I've seen the skit a dozen times!

Well, now that I know it's Will Ferrell and not Sam Bush, it makes it less cool... but hey it's "Trinity-worthy" ...for whatever THAT is worth!
Thanks USF, I don't know why I didn't know that, I've seen the skit a dozen times!

Well, now that I know it's Will Ferrell and not Sam Bush, it makes it less cool... but hey it's "Trinity-worthy" ...for whatever THAT is worth!
Not much. Grind said the same thing to me when I pwned you in our evolution debate and I didn't even get so much as a free beer from the cheap mother fuckers.
You know what this thread needs? More cowbell.
