Game of Thrones season 6 (spoilers all)


The latter part of this season gets much better than the first and second episode. One interesting thing is that a lot of the plot threads I thought had exited the book are now looping back and reentering it. Jaime and Brienne, for instance, are now near where they were at the end of ADWD, after taking massive detours from their plotline to Dorne and the North respectively in season 5 and early season 6 (the show writers seem to be totally ignoring the fact that it takes time to travel to accomplish this, Brienne leaves the wall and almost instantly arrives in the Riverlands - whatever). Tyrion is basically doing make work, tasks left to other lesser characters in the book, but he accomplished just about nothing in the book so I can see why they went down that route.

Best part is: no Dorne. Fuck the bastardized show versions of the Sand Snakes.