Gangland - The Happiest Place On Earth


Giving tourists a look at gang culture

A group of civic activists is preparing to offer bus tours of some of the grittiest pockets of the city, with profits funneled back into the community.

A group of civic activists, united by faith and a belief that the poor economy in the interior of Los Angeles is a social injustice, is preparing to offer bus tours of some of the grittiest pockets of the city, including decayed public housing, sites of deadly shootouts and streets ravaged by racial unrest.

After a VIP preview last weekend, L.A. Gang Tours expects to open to the public in January, giving tourists a look at the cradle of the nation's gang culture -- the birthplace of many of the city's gangs, including Crips and Bloods, Florencia 13 and 18th Street.

"This is ground zero for a lot of the bad in this city. It could be ground zero for a lot of the good too," said Alfred Lomas, a former Florencia member who has become a leading gang intervention worker in South Los Angeles and is spearheading the tours. "This is true community empowerment."

The nonprofit group plans to offer two-hour tours at an initial cost of $65 per adult, with profits funneled back into the community through jobs, "franchised" tours in new areas and micro-loans to inner-city entrepreneurs. Early routes will focus largely on South L.A., with forays through Watts and Florence-Firestone.

Other aspects may raise eyebrows. Selling shirts painted on the spot by a graffiti "tagger" is one thing. But one backer said he also hopes to stage dance-offs between locals; tourists would pick a winner and fork over a cash prize. It wasn't long ago that organizers decided against a plan to have kids shoot tourists with water pistols, followed by the sale of T-shirts that read: "I Got Shot in South-Central."

"It's going to be fascinating -- but really controversial," said Francisco Ortega, a field staffer with the Los Angeles Human Relations Commission and a respected mediator and neighborhood advisor in South L.A. Ortega said there could be great value in "sensitizing people, connecting them to the reality of what's on the ground."

"But the other side is that it could come across like a zoo or something," Ortega said. "You're being carted about: 'Look at that cholo over there!'
It could be perceived as demeaning for the people who are living in these conditions. I don't know how they're going to manage those perceptions."*+Local+News)&utm_content=Google+Reader


Lets see, a one-day ticket to Disneyland is selling for $62.00. But why go their when you can pay $65.00 to see gang bangers kill each other. I wonder how long it will take before someone gets killed, while on the tour.
I would definitely without a question do this over Disneyland.

I did this on my own last time I was in LA this summer anyway. Me and my friends went to Compton and Inglewood and checked out some of the Section 8 housing and kicked it with the locals.

Nickerson Gardens is rough, but other than that Compton is a nicer place all-around than where I grew up.
Haha... i parked in south central for todays game. funny, i drove down Vermont unitle i hit 97th st and then went to the 110. it was GH ET TO.