Gas Prices....

Amazing aren't they..........

love those arabs:clink:

They live in the lap of luxury while their underlings run amuck live in squaller and become suicide bombers...because they believe the West is ripping them off...if only they were to look closer to home...their own leaders are the ones ripping them off!
They live in the lap of luxury while their underlings run amuck live in squaller and become suicide bombers...because they believe the West is ripping them off...if only they were to look closer to home...their own leaders are the ones ripping them off!

so over there is just like America ?

we raped their natural resources for 50yrs now we'll have to start paying them a fair price.

and how does one rape a oil field...are you suggesting that the oil company executives are kinky and hit the drilling hole?...Seriously though you think $100.00 per barrel is a fair price...being that crude is just dead and rotting carcusus...which those wonderful Arab Princes and Sheiks had no way of getting it out of the ground and processing it! I truly believe $25.00-35.00 is the fair price!
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yes $100 is fair, and say 3.50 gallon for gas going up to say $5 is about 4 yrs would be fair.
I watch for 20yrs as hundreds of thousands of oil company employess go laid off because of low prices.
It was said Saudi wanted to put the Americans out of the business of being able to produce their own oil.
Well, we let them and not it's time to pay the pipe.:clink:
You are only ranting...........

yes $100 is fair, and say 3.50 gallon for gas going up to say $5 is about 4 yrs would be fair.
I watch for 20yrs as hundreds of thousands of oil company employess go laid off because of low prices.
It was said Saudi wanted to put the Americans out of the business of being able to produce their own oil.
Well, we let them and not it's time to pay the pipe.:clink:

this hypo because you work for Chevron...$100.00 per barrel and $5.00 per gallon will get y'all a great riot...not seen since the American Revolution!:shock:
your a moron, Europe pays $8 gallon
it's coming ya skin head
if you had half a brain you'd buy some Exxon stock
your a moron, Europe pays $8 gallon
it's coming ya skin head
if you had half a brain you'd buy some Exxon stock

I really don't care what Europe pays...I only care what we pay...and no thanks on the stock tip...I am not a sell-out!

and if it better look for a new will be another 'Boston Tea Party':shock:
America was designed around cheap gas, Europe was not.
They will survive far better than the USA with expensive gas.