Gates reportedly tried to shut down Guantanamo.


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Report: Gates Pushed To Shut Down Gitmo
Defense Secretary Argued For Closing Of Terror Prison During First Weeks On Job

WASHINGTON, March 23, 2007
Defense Secretary Robert GatesU.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates succeeded Donald Rumsfeld last December. (AP)

(CBS/AP) In sharp contrast to his predecessor, Defense Secretary Robert Gates reportedly tried to shut down Guantanamo.

Gates, who succeeded Donald Rumsfeld last year, pushed in his first weeks as defense secretary for closing the detention center at the U.S. naval base in Cuba, arguing that its image was so tainted that any military trials there would be viewed as illegitimate, according to The New York Times.

He was overruled, however, after Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and other government lawyers objected to moving detainees to the United States, the Times said in a report posted on its Web site Thursday night. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice agreed with Gates, but Vice President Dick Cheney's office took the same position as Gonzales, the report said, citing unidentified senior administration officials.

Darn Gates must be one of those turbo libs ....

You all note, I trust, the reason these fuc . . . fine, upstanding Americans in service to their nation want to keep the "detainees" out of the country?

Whether legal or not, this is clearly an attempt at an "end run" around American law and traditions. They don't want their dealings to be transparent and they don't want to be subject to American law.
Yep if they bring the "detainees " here thy have to follow US law, no more waterboarding, tisk, tisk...Might even have to give them trials! How unamerican.