GAY JEW-Haters are Uniting


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The radical Left's rainbow symbolism obscures the implicit tensions within Utopian mysticism, reflected in a prism of constant conflicts that pit former social justice allies into bitter division.

A 40-year mission "to celebrate, educate, and advocate with and for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) Vermonters" has morphed into a woke catch-basin for simplistic opposition against ubiquitous "oppressors," including those dreaded Zionists. One of those myriad oppressions is genocidal maniacs.

Vermont's Leftist gay group (maybe bernie sanders as well) "oppose white and Jewish people for their race and ethnicity" group.

The Burlington, VT GAY advocacy facility threw Jewish GAYS under the Palestinian bus. Reactionaries for Gay Pride Center showed tremendous support--not for gays, but against Zionists.

The Vermont Coalition for Palestinian Liberation (VCPL) rebuked giving Zionists a platform to defame the Pride Center's statement as "antisemitic," portrayed The Palestinian struggle as part of a queer and collective liberation, "and praised the Pride Center for upholding the tradition of queer internationalism."

Most of the Democrat representatives in Congress (including the SQUAD) are antisemites. Now we see these Gay Pride Queers (mostly democrats) being antisemitic as well.
Israel's emulation of Nazism has engendered a righteous antisemitism, world-wide.
You can't murder 20,000 kids and expect to be liked.
The radical Left's rainbow symbolism obscures the implicit tensions within Utopian mysticism, reflected in a prism of constant conflicts that pit former social justice allies into bitter division.

A 40-year mission "to celebrate, educate, and advocate with and for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) Vermonters" has morphed into a woke catch-basin for simplistic opposition against ubiquitous "oppressors," including those dreaded Zionists. One of those myriad oppressions is genocidal maniacs.

Vermont's Leftist gay group (maybe bernie sanders as well) "oppose white and Jewish people for their race and ethnicity" group.

The Burlington, VT GAY advocacy facility threw Jewish GAYS under the Palestinian bus. Reactionaries for Gay Pride Center showed tremendous support--not for gays, but against Zionists.

The Vermont Coalition for Palestinian Liberation (VCPL) rebuked giving Zionists a platform to defame the Pride Center's statement as "antisemitic," portrayed The Palestinian struggle as part of a queer and collective liberation, "and praised the Pride Center for upholding the tradition of queer internationalism."

Most of the Democrat representatives in Congress (including the SQUAD) are antisemites. Now we see these Gay Pride Queers (mostly democrats) being antisemitic as well.
Soon to be a Fox News headline:
"MAGAts confused on who to cheer for:
Gay antisemites or straight Jew-lovers"
Israel's emulation of Nazism has engendered a righteous antisemitism, world-wide.
You can't murder 20,000 kids and expect to be liked.
I totally disagree with your take that Israel is emulating Nazism, for it's the pushing of
Nazism from Germany to make their 'FINAL SOLUTION' come true that has given the
Israeli people the fortitude to defend their lives and their country from any further
attack(s) on them, as we all saw on October 6th. Israel didn't start that war, they are
merely striking back against one of the more ruthless/evil terrorist outfits on the planet.

Anti-semites like yourself are always Democrats, as I posted in the OP.
I totally disagree with your take that Israel is emulating Nazism, for it's the pushing of
Nazism from Germany to make their 'FINAL SOLUTION' come true that has given the
Israeli people the fortitude to defend their lives and their country from any further
attack(s) on them, as we all saw on October 6th. Israel didn't start that war, they are
merely striking back against one of the more ruthless/evil terrorist outfits on the planet.

Anti-semites like yourself are always Democrats, as I posted in the OP.

Subhuman christer goy

Majority of us Jews look down on you unclean beast like creatures
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I totally disagree with your take that Israel is emulating Nazism, for it's the pushing of
Nazism from Germany to make their 'FINAL SOLUTION' come true that has given the
Israeli people the fortitude to defend their lives and their country from any further
attack(s) on them, as we all saw on October 6th. Israel didn't start that war, they are
merely striking back against one of the more ruthless/evil terrorist outfits on the planet.

Anti-semites like yourself are always Democrats, as I posted in the OP.
I don't see how anybody- yourself included- could be so thoroughly brainwashed as to believe all the thousands of Palestinians murdered by the Jews PRIOR to October 7th amount to nothing and that only dead Jews matter as a cause for war. Still- clearly too late for you to get as grip on reality.
Remember- the appalling Nazi activities of the Israeli Jews have engendered a RIGHTEOUS ANTISEMITISM worldwide. Calling somebody ' antisemitic ' has become praiseworthy . On the other hand- prosemitism is the new Nazism.

You can't murder 20,000 kids and expect to be liked.

Subhuman christer goy

Majority of us Jews look down on you unclean beast like creatures
I post a riveting account about mine and the American Right's absolute support for Israel, and all you can do is
to post another racist remark about me? Why haven't you as a Jew gone after the obvious anti Semite Moon as
he continues to downgrade Jews and Israel in particular? Could it be because he's just another Democrat Jew
hating imbecile, where you couldn't ever debate him on his Jew-Israel hating agenda?